“Call Me CEO” is your master-class on innovation, creativity, leadership, and finding YOUR perfect balance between motherhood and entrepreneurship.

Have you ever considered that the amount of stuff you have could be holding you back from living your most joyful and productive life? In this episode, Camille welcomes Rosie and Adam Copp, the Creators and Founders of The Irish Mummy, a platform that inspires women to pursue their goals, simplify their life, and find joy in motherhood. The couple co-host The Irish Mummy Podcast and Rosie is also the EU Founder of DoTerra Essential Oils. It wasn’t until she decluttered and simplified her home and her mind that Rosie was able to find the space to revolutionize her business. Now, she helps mothers live their happiest and most productive lives through her minimalism-based work.

It’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter, simplifying more, and freeing up that space.

—Adam Copp

You’ll learn how to find clarity in your home environment, your mind, and your business as a busy mom.

Rosie and Adam give insight into the passion and meaning behind their business and their podcast, as well as how they dynamically work together as a couple, as parents, and as business partners. They share advice on setting boundaries between your work life and home life, pursuing your business goals with motherhood in mind, and simplifying your wardrobe, pantry, and other parts of your home. Plus, the duo shares their candid thoughts and best pieces of advice on combatting consumerism and how to start decluttering your life.

That’s a big thing of why I want to help moms with minimalism in their homes is that it could be the belongings in their house that’s robbing the joy.

—Rosie Copp

At the end of the day, it’s all about function, quality, joy, and demand. Does it have a function? Does it bring quality to your life? Does it make you feel joy? Is there a demand in the house for it? If not, perhaps it’s time to get rid of it or not even bring it into the home at all.

Rosie and Adam give insight into the passion and meaning behind their business and their podcast, as well as how they dynamically work together as a couple, as parents, and as business partners. They share advice on setting boundaries between your work life and home life, pursuing your business goals with motherhood in mind, and simplifying your wardrobe, pantry, and other parts of your home. Plus, the duo shares their candid thoughts and best pieces of advice on combatting consumerism and how to start decluttering your life.

I never understood joy until I had it and now that I have it, I just want that for other moms who are searching for it.

—Rosie Copp


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Access the 5-day email sequence to help you discover your purpose: www.callmeceopodcast.com

Operation Underground Railroad: www.ourrescue.org

Connect with Rosie and Adam & The Irish Mummy:

Listen to The Irish Mummy Podcast: www.theirishmummy.com

Visit their website: www.theirishmummy.com

Follow them on Instagram: www.instagram.com/the_irish_mummy

Connect with them on Facebook: www.facebook.com/theirishmummy

Connect with Camille Walker:

Follow Camille on Instagram: www.Instagram.com/CamilleWalker.co

Follow Call Me CEO on Instagram: www.Instagram.com/callmeceopodcast



Have you ever considered that the amount of things that you have could be holding you back from living your most joyful productive life, in your home life and in your business? Well, today, we're talking with Rosie and Adam Copp, who are the founder and creators of The Irish Mummy both online and as a website. Rosie has built a multinational business selling doTERRA oils, but it wasn�t until she went through the process of ridding her family home of all the excess stuff that she was really able to find that peace and clarity that she was looking for that helped her to revolutionize her business.�

This episode is filled with so many tips of how to find clarity not only in your stuff but in your life and in your business. One of my favorite quotes that I love is that "You can keep a thing or you can keep the space, but you cannot have both." Oftentimes, it's through the clutter that surrounds us that we can find clutter in our mind and Rosie's mission is to find clarity for herself and her clients that she is now helping in her journey moving forward to help mothers live their most productive and joyful filled life.�


CAMILLE [1:24]

So, you want to make an impact. You're thinking about starting a business, sharing your voice. How do women do it that handle motherhood, family, and still chase after those dreams? We'll listen each week as we dive into the stories of women who know. This is Call Me CEO.


CAMILLE [1:43]

Welcome back everyone to another episode of Call Me CEO. I am so thrilled to have two guests today. You get to hear from such an incredible couple in Ireland no less. Rosie Copp and Adam that run the podcast The Irish Mummy Podcast. She also helps women to tap into finding more joy, their vision, minimalism, a little bit of essential oils, journaling. I mean, you want it, she's got it. Thank you so much for being here today, Rosie and Adam.


Thank you so much. It was such a lovely introduction. Thank you.

ADAM COPP [2:18]

Thanks, Camille.�

CAMILLE [2:19]

You're so welcome. It's really fun today because this is the first time I've actually interviewed a couple, but I've always believed that with any successful person, almost always there is a partner in the equation that makes the magic happen as a team. So, I�m really thrilled to have you both here today.

ROSIE [2:38]

Thank you. We're delighted to be together, aren't we, Adam?

ADAM [2:40]

Yes, we are. I help keep things on track.

CAMILLE [2:46]

As we've already seen today, I love it. So, I want to start with the beginning with you two, give us a brief recap of how you came together, how many kids you have, and your travels, and how you ended up starting the business that you did.

ROSIE [2:59]

Okay. So, we met in Australia in 2009. We lived there for a few years, then we moved back to Ireland in 2013 when I just had a newborn baby, my first baby. Since then, we have four lovely babies. We have an eight-year-old, a four-year-old, a two-year-old, and a �

ADAM [3:23]


ROSIE [3:24]

Nine-month-old. So, we've been living in Ireland then we moved to Portugal, and now we're back in Ireland again. So, we've traveled a lot, we've moved around, and we have had babies in different countries as well.�

CAMILLE [3:37]

That's incredible. What a fun journey and for your kids to be able to say that they were born in all these incredible different places. Was that part of the reason for you wanting to have your own business was for the flexibility? What was the purpose behind your moving so much?

ROSIE [3:51]

I think when we first got together, we wanted to get married and have children. We always wanted flexibility and I think because Adam is from Australia and I'm from Ireland, I loved the USA. Obviously, Europe is on our doorstep as well with lovely places too, holiday and sunshine and different cultures. We wanted to create a business that gave us that type of a lifestyle to be able to travel and that would complement it, but motherhood was a big thing for me. So, I wanted to be able to do whatever it was I wanted as a mother and be flexible, but then go after the thing I was passionate about or if I wanted to create something, so just having our own business made sense for us.

CAMILLE [4:36]

So, Adam, where do you come into play with that? Because parenting is obviously very important to you both. What was it that played the role for you that you thought, "Yeah. Let's start our own business. Let's do this podcast?" What was it that really got you onboard with that vision?

ADAM [4:52]

Well, Rosie had started up her business and I suppose I deemed it was more like a hobby for a little while. My background is finance and I suppose it started to take off and I've seen the numbers. I'm like, "What's going on with this thing?" And then, it got to the point when Rosie had to move back to Ireland pretty quickly and I followed, unfortunately, nine months later just because of stuff that need to be tied up in Australia and I joined her and I help her. It's hard because we probably co-run the businesses. I make all the things happen and the right things move at the right times. Rosie is really the heart of the business.�

ROSIE [5:40]

It's quite a bit funny because I have a vision for what I want the business to be and Adam is really good at activating like everything that needs to happen today, Adam will make sure all those things happen. But he's also good as well, obviously because he's got financial background and he's very good at the goal side of things. If there's a certain goal we need to reach this month, Adam keeps everything on track to make that goal happen. So, we complement each other very well. Would you say?

ADAM [6:10]

Yeah. I think it became more important as Rosie had more babies. We had more kids and she wanted to work. It was like every child she wanted to work less and less in terms of hours, less hours, more impact. So, that's where I came in. It's funny because I know your podcast is Call Me CEO, but I'm the CEO of our group of businesses and Rosie is the chief visionary officer. She's the heart. She's the soul. I just create the strategy to make the vision happen. So, that's what I do is because I love the quote, "No other success can compensate failure in the home." That's always been Rosie's motto ever since she heard that quote. And so, I create the frameworks around the vision to allow her to be mother she wants to be and to be able to impact mothers all around the world at the same time.

CAMILLE [7:12]

That's an incredible duo. I just released an episode yesterday about mind mapping and how each of us has our different strengths with the way we think and the quadrants of our brain. A lot of times couples that work well together think differently and can also operate a business more effectively because they have different strengths.�

Now, it's funny that you're a finance guy because my husband is as well and for two minutes, we thought about him leaving his job and working with me. He still does my finance, so he is very involved. I mean it was hard for us to figure it out where he didn't want me to be seen as his boss. If I'm being honest, it's hard. So, how are you able to negotiate that and figure that out as a couple? What are some key bits of advice for that?

ROSIE [8:01]

Well, it's interesting you say this as well because we like to do what we value. One of the things that I've been focusing on probably for the last two years is simplifying and automating our business so that Adam can pursue things that he's passionate about as well, so his vision. I think the great thing is he's been able to come out of a career that he was no longer happy in and was able to help me with my business. And now that he's helped create my vision and simplify it and our family life is functioning perfectly, well not perfectly. Nothing's perfect, but it's functioning as good as it could be and I've simplified, there's now space for Adam to branch out and do what he's passionate about. So, I think that's a thing as well. There is giving and there is the ebbs and flows. He wasn't happy in his career anymore.

ADAM [9:05]

I think I was burnt out. I did a lot in a really short space of time. I blew myself up, I think. I think another cool thing is that it's just stay in your lane. Whenever we've had conflict, it's when we're trying to both be each other. We're created differently and we have different strengths and things that challenge us and when we try to be the same person or we try to cross over too much, that's when we get a bit of collision. So, we stay in our lane.�

Probably the hardest thing when you're working together is we're so future oriented. We're both futuristic. We love goals. We love vision. We love the future, so we talk a lot about it. I think that's the only challenge is especially with perpetual lockdowns is our incessant need to talk about our goals and stuff.

ROSIE [10:05]

So, what was happening was we would discuss during the day and the thing about it is with kids, kids don't want two parents at home at the same time talking about their business. They just don�t want it. Our kids are happier when there's just one parent who is in charge in that moment in time. So, I think the thing that we've really had to do is discipline ourselves, I know sometimes we'll fail at this, but we try to discipline ourselves not to talk about anything in front of the children, nothing to do with business.�

That�s why we came up with the board meeting. It was like, "Okay. I'm just going to leave a pen and paper on the counter." Every time I get the compulsion that I want to say something to Adam, I'll write it in the piece of paper. And then, when we get the board meeting, I'll either have 20 things in a piece of paper and I look at them and say, "What do I actually want to talk to him about now that I've had time to think about it?"�

We got into a trap where we didn't know how to turn off during the day because we were together. We have people who say, "Oh, it's easy for you guys to do business because you've got each other." But there's so many downsides to working as well that no matter whether you work with your partner or you don't, there's still areas that are challenges and there's pros and cons to everything.

ADAM [11:27]

I think lack of structure becomes a bit of a challenge. I like structure. I don't like to be told what to do too much, but I do like structure. I think sometimes I've just said, "Look. I just want to get a job just to take the excuses off the table that other people say." "Well, it's okay for you because you actually work with your husband" or "You work with your wife" or "You're successful, it's okay." Because okay, I'll just get a job and we can still work out how to make it happen because we've gotten to the point now where it's not about working harder, it's about working smarter and simplifying more and more and freeing up that space.

ROSIE [12:10]�

It's funny because at the minute now, my vision is I just want to raise my children. I want to have more children if God blesses me with more children. That's what I want. I want motherhood first and foremost. But I feel like the life I've created, I want that for other moms, but not at the expense of my life or my family.�

So, every question that I ask myself in my business now is, "Could another busy mom do what I'm doing?" And if the answer is no, even if I can do it, I don't do it. So, everything comes back to, "Could a busy mom do this?" It's funny because since I've started that, I've really attracted in busy moms who are looking for what I have and they don't have the time. They don't have the Adam. They don't have this. So, I'm trying to automate and streamline business so that I don't need Adam so that it's achievable for other women as well. I know some people aren't going to want to go to the level I've gone to, but I suppose it's what can I do to help busy moms just to have more time with their children and have a little bit of an income for their family and still afford the little luxuries, but doing something that's connection and passion for them?

ADAM [13:23]

Joyful, also.

ROSIE [13:24]

Joyful, that's the word, joy. I never understood joy until I had it. And now that I have it, I'm like, "I just want that for other moms who are searching for it and they're looking for it."

CAMILLE [13:39]

I love everything. We said this before, but we are so in line with our purpose and vision and helping other moms to have lives that they love and are full of joy. Take me a few steps back to starting your blog, and then creating this vision that you are now achieving and the steps that you are able to do to get to the place that you are now working smarter instead of harder. What are some elements that took place?

ROSIE [14:02]

Okay. So, I built my business before I had a blog. So, I did that completely offline.

CAMILLE [14:12]

What business? Sorry to interrupt you, but what business was that?

ROSIE [14:13]

Okay. So, doTERRA Essential Oils, we were a founder for them in Europe and that was what happened when I moved home to Ireland, my mom was �

ADAM [14:25]

Terminally ill.

ROSIE [14:26]

She was terminally ill and that was in January 2013 and she passed away in October. At the time, I had been using a lot of alternative wellness things and the oils were one of them and doTERRA had a founders happening in Europe. I said to Adam, "It was a goal."�

My mom had passed away and I loved the essential oils and I want to educate people about alternative health as well as essential oils. So, I set a goal for myself to become a founder for doTERRA in Europe. That was something that once she passed away, I was striving to keep myself busy, but we need a goal. I was a new young mom. I suppose the more you learn as a mom, the more you wanted to hear with the other moms. The Irish Mummy was something that was about helping moms, but I felt like I didn't fully have the vision for it. I knew it was there and I wanted to help moms, but I felt like I need to help myself first. So, as I was helping myself, I took note of different things and it's really been probably in the last year that The Irish Mummy really came into fruition when we started the podcast. I think that was when I found my way, my voice. That was all about giving back to moms to help them get where I am now.

ADAM [15:56]

And the podcast was totally unbranded in terms of we don't talk about doTERRA at all. There might be occasional references to using oils during labor and stuff in there, but it's not about the business bit. It's about taking the decade and a half give or take of the things that Rosie's gone through to build a multinational business. And then the journal is just about to get released very soon. We had an issue with Brexit. The printer was ready to go, and then Brexit happened and we don't live in the UK. So that scuttered that and then all these other things came off the back of it.

ROSIE [16:41]

It was more contribution. I suppose you get to the point in your life where you want to contribute. It was always like, "How can I contribute where it can still complement motherhood?" Because it's not sustainable to run a business as a mom if it doesn�t complement motherhood. That thing had really stuck out to me, "No success is worth failure in your home." I heard that when I was an employee and the moment I heard it, it resonated so much with me that it always stuck with me. I think the motto for The Irish Mummy was that when we created the podcast. It's no success is worth failure in the home. I wanted moms who maybe wanted to strive towards creating their dreams or finding joy to do it, but thinking of motherhood in mind like, "What can I create that would still complement motherhood?"

CAMILLE [17:37]

I love all of that.


CAMILLE [17:39]

Have you been thinking about trying to discover your why and maybe defining your purpose a little more clearly? Well, I created a free five-day email sequence that helps you do just that. It helps you dive into who you are, what your special talents are, and even pushes you a little bit out of your comfort zone with asking questions of people that are close to you. So, go to callmeceopodcast.com to access that.�

And I have a little sneak peek about something up and coming about how to become a virtual assistant. So, if that is something that you would think you might want to do in the future, stay tuned. Get subscribed to the newsletter, so that you can hear about all the details because we will have special discounts for those who are subscribed to our email list. You can go there and find more information at callmeceopodcast.com or camillewalker.co.


CAMILLE [18:32]

So, you're saying this mantra that you took with you and it's really transformed your life. Now, you are attracting all of these mothers and women who are looking for that same joy, that same purpose. I know a big part of your brand and what you share is minimalism and really creating space for the things that matter most. Can you tell me more about how that journey happened? Especially you speak a lot about your mother, you must have been very close with her and then recovering from that loss. I know that that authenticity really attract others to you and they can see you mean what you say and that you really care. Can you tell me more about that?

ROSIE [19:10]

Yeah. It's funny because I feel like a lot of my business is here because my mom did pass away, which can be difficult because so much good has come from her passing. I think that's a big thing that I want to pass on to people. We can have really sad things happen, but great things can come from that one thing.�

But I think as somebody who has built a business as a busy mom, when life is complicated, it's very hard to be mentored by somebody and it's very hard to do the things that would grow your business. So, I think the one thing that I want to help moms with is to really simplify their life to the point that if they want to heal, if they want to grow as a person or if they want to build an income stream or do something their passionate, they can't really do that until they've simplified their life. I suppose I feel like if I can help moms simplify, I can give them choices in their life and give them more time to I suppose follow their true mission and purpose in life whatever that is. For some women, it's with me and with some women, I just free them up and they find their own mission and purpose with somebody else. So, I think it's two-fold.�

But the interesting thing with minimalism, it happened to us and how it happened was we left Australia. I left overnight to come home to be with my mom with a newborn baby and I left everything behind, just basics came with me. Then, as we were growing our business, and then my mom passed away, I was living in my mom and dad's house. My dad, he moved away and he didn't want to be here anymore, also my mom wasn't here. I was running a business. I was a young mom and there was just so much stuff. There was 40 years' worth of stuff in this house and it's taken me nearly seven years to clear out this house layers and layers at a time.�

Because we were running a business and we were investing all of our money into our business, we stopped becoming consumers. Literally, we didn't buy anything because everything went to our business. I think it was the process of slowly trying to get through 40 years of stuff bit by bit and we invested so much money to clear out the house as well bit by bit. In a way, it was traumatizing because it robbed my children. It robbed them of time with me. It robbed me of joy. With the lessons I learned from clearing out this house layer by layer have been so great that I know the future will be amazing for my children.�

But I came up with ways, "How can I simplify what I own?" So, clothing, I went from your wardrobe of clothes and you get rid of the stuff that you don't want anymore. But now, I�m at appoint where it's like, "Okay. What are the minimum amount of clothes that we need to function?" I just need to keep the best and even if there's clothes I love, if they're excess, they have to go even if I love them. So, we simplified our clothes. We simplified any furniture in the house. We took away all wardrobes and storage that would get cluttered.

ADAM [22:38]

We have one big walk-in wardrobe as a family.

ROSIE [22:41]

Everyone has a little unit in it and I can see what all our clothes are. We simplified our pantry, our laundry.

ADAM [22:51]

I think it really reaffirmed when we went for a 7- or 8-week holiday to the US in early 2019, I think. And then, we decided to move to Portugal in the summer of 2019, so around June. I found a place when we were in the US. We were in Florida or something at the time, Disney World. I got one of my friends in Portugal to go and check it out for us and we signed the lease whilst we were in the US. We moved straight from the US to Portugal with five suitcases. As a family, we had three kids and you were pregnant at that time.

ROSIE [23:29]

Because we traveled in the US, we had a suitcase for winter wear and we had one for summer wear because we were going to be in Florida, and then we were going to be up in New York.�

ADAM [23:38]

It was around February or March.

ROSIE [23:39]

We had exactly the right quantity of clothes to bring with us to Portugal to last as if we moved. That was a big eyeopener as well. If I tried to move to Portugal with a notice, I thought I would have needed to bring on this stuff, but we literally moved during the holidays. That was a key thing for me to see what we could survive with.�

But I suppose the thing about clearing out this house is that there was a lot of sentimental stuff here. There was stuff that didn't belong to me and I had to make a lot of decisions all the time. I got good at making decisions and I got help from a friend for the final clear out of the things in the house. But she asked me two questions and I added another one. So, one is, "If you take a photograph for it, is it enough? Could you let it go if you have a photograph of it?" The second one is, "Is it replaceable? Could you buy it again if you needed it?" And the third one that I've added in is, "Could this bring joy to somebody else?" If it's excess for me and even though I love it, could I give it to somebody else and it would bring them joy?�

That was the thing where especially for things that were some maybe gifted for you or somebody made it for you, so with that mentality, I cleared out all of the attic. I cleared out every cupboard in the house and we ended up putting everything in our shed. And then from there, I just culled and culled. It was interesting because we were going to renovate this house, but when we cleared out everything out of it, the house took on a different function. Before this, it didn't function for a young family. It just didn't function. But when I got everything out of the house, it functioned where we could have joy and that was my outcome. Originally, I wanted to renovate so we could have joy and function. But when we got rid of everything in the house because we personally didn't own that much between ourselves, I was like, "Wow. The house now functions."�

I think that's the big thing why I want to help moms with minimalism in their homes is that it could be the belongings in the house that's robbing the joy because they don't have the time. So, I suppose what I really want to do with The Irish Mummy on Instagram now is teach maybe week by week a little tip about how to reduce something in their house to simplify, and then get moms with more time, more joy with their kids that they can get up earlier in the morning because they have energy. They can stay up later at night because they have energy and that they can do something simple. So, if with me, they might build their business with me because I know how to do it simply or they might go do it with somebody else or maybe they might find a new passion that they go after. I don't believe we can really do it until we've simplified.

ADAM [26:34]

I think we got to a point where we've achieved a decent level of success in our business and we've said to the kids, "Well, we have a choice as a family. We can collect things or we can create experiences. What do you want?" And so, that's where we did a road trip from Orlando to Canada and people looked at the way we went and was like, "Do you not know how to follow a map?" Because we went through Atlanta to Nashville, and then we went and visited friends in Charlotte.

ROSIE [27:07]

And we did six weeks in Australia as well.

ADAM [27:08]

Yeah. We've been all over the place, and then we went straight to Portugal for 18, 19 months and had a baby there. We had a fiasco with the birth cert to get our little baby. His name's Ezra.� �

ROSIE [27:22]

His birth cert for two years will say Erza.

ADAM [27:25]

Erza. It was misspelled and yeah, but anyway.

ROSIE [27:29]

But our time at Portugal was worth his naming misspelled.

ADAM [27:31]

It was amazing. But I think everyone gets to that point and really it hit home for me because one of the reasons why there was a nine-month gap between me joining Rosie and Paddy in Ireland was because of the amount of stuff we had. The mortgages on our house, the investment property, the two car loans.

ROSIE [27:55]

The bills.

ADAM [27:55]

All the stuff that you collect. I realized that true freedom for me literally we could lock this house up and leave it alone. We have a, she's not a cleaner, she's more like a house manager. She will come and take care of the house while we're gone. We can turn the light off, put the alarm on and give her the keys and leave for however long we want and everything will be okay. And I think that's the freedom that comes when you're not hankered down by things. We love quality stuff. It's not that we're anti-things.�

ROSIE [28:30]

We're willing to save for quality.

ADAM [28:33]

But they need to have utility. Just buying things for the sake of buying things.

ROSIE [28:39]

You actually mentioned it when we had spoken earlier. Let the demand create the need. So, I've gotten everything out of the house. I won't bring something into the house until there's demand for it. It's not like, "I think I'd like this, so I get it." It's like there has to be demand, and then it comes back in.

So, when we had put everything out into the shed, my mom had loads of china, loads of it. So, I went off and I had delivered off for my siblings, and then I looked and I'm like, "Okay. Sunday dinner is a big thing for us." So, there was one set and I thought, "Okay. I'll bring that set in because we use that every single Sunday."

ADAM [29:21]

And then, the silverware and everything.

ROSIE [29:23]

And the silverware. But then, I was like, "You know what? I love tin china cups because it keeps a drink warm for longer." There was a cute little set and I was like, "Okay. That can come back in." But it felt so good having removed everything, and then consciously bringing something back in as opposed to trying to figure out what you're going to get rid of. So, yeah, just the whole process of slowly removing stuff from a house has made me very careful of what I would ever bring back into a house.

ADAM [29:59]

It's funny because there's that scripture that says, "It's a house of order, not a house of chaos." I've looked around and I'm thinking back on the spaces that I've lived in or created or something like that that are generally a reflection of what's happening mentally. If you're trying to create a business and having that clarity. I can't work if there's too much stuff around like I literally just get stifled, so it's having that space. It's having that clarity and you're much more effective because you're not double handling everything. The kids are happier. We've culled, well Rosie, I'm too much of a chicken to deal with that, 60% of the toys and we've left only the really top quality stuff. They didn't even notice.

ROSIE [30:48]

And now they're actually playing with more things.

CAMILLE [30:51]

I've noticed that too with my kids where I thought, "Oh, but we spent so much money on that" or "I could have resold it", things like that. One quote that I've heard that I've really liked is, "You can keep the item or you can have the space. You can't have both." And for me, when I tell my husband specifically that visual clarity really does translate to mental clutter for me, it really is hard for me to feel zen. It's like when you leave a dirty kitchen at night and you come down to it the next morning versus when you've cleared it and it's a nice clean kitchen. It just totally sets a different tone for the day.


CAMILLE [31:30]

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CAMILLE [32:06]

So, for those who are listening, I think there are so many different aspects of this and you're inspiring me to get rid of things as I look at my craft closet that I never am using. How would you suggest that people start? First ofall, that's my question. Then, my next is I think so often consumerism is a form of therapy for people. So, how do you combat that as well?

ROSIE [32:34]

Okay. So, where to start? So, I started room by room and I got help. So, I found it was easier if you're not a very organized person like it doesn't come naturally to you.

ADAM [32:45]

Or you're super sentimental.

ROSIE [32:464]

Yeah. So, organizing comes naturally to me but making decisions around personal things, I found difficult especially when they belonged to my mom. That was really difficult. So, what I did was I used to get somebody to come in once a month. We would pick a room and it depends on the finance as well. You might have a friend that could come in or you might need to pay someone to come in, so that way it comes down to finances.�

But what we did was once a month, we would tackle a room. We would take everything out with all kinds of tools, and then what she would do which was really useful was she would gather all the sentimental stuff off in a room that she knows that I would definitely keep and she would put it into a box. We wouldn't go near that box. That would just go up into the attic. It was sentimental. And then, the other stuff it would be like, "Okay. Are we going to keep? Will it go to charity?" Favorite was something that we needed, but it wasn't what I wanted long-term. That would be something where, "Look. I'll keep this and I'll save until I can afford to buy something new, and then I'll gift it to charity."

ADAM [33:48]

And then, the consumerism part of it is I'm a strong believer that we will get prompts along the way if there's a habit that isn't serving us and I ignored those prompts. It's just the music just keeps getting turned up louder and louder and louder, and then you just get given such profound lessons. So, I had earned a lot of money through my 20s, but hadn't saved anything important, and then Rosie and Paddy had to leave overnight to go back to Ireland to be with her mom and I couldn't be there because of the things around me.�

I started thinking back. I started looking at things and being like, "If I needed to be with someone that I love and they needed me wherever they would be in the world, could I be there?" Ours was an interesting situation because our families come from two different continents. It's looking at the fact, "Well, are you working for the things in your life?"�

It's looking to healing. Why are you buying things? I was buying things because my self-esteem was terrible and I was working somewhere around 80 hours a week of finance and I was buying things to try to buy happiness. If I have that because I'm stressed, then that will make me happy. I've heard the quote hungry goats like you can never satiate them. Whether it's someone with a handbag collection or a shoe collection or me, it was guitars, or whatever, clothes, you'll notice if that desire cannot be satiated and you always have to have the next thing, then there's probably a pattern or something that you need to have a look at.�

ROSIE [35:44]

And the other thing as well is I don't put myself in positions where I need to buy stuff.

ADAM [35:50]

It's easy during lockdown. You can't go anywhere. All the shops are shut down. Move to Ireland. You'll save a ton.

ROSIE [35:55]

I don't like shopping online because I find it complicated having to scroll. With young kids and I'm running the business, I actually found running the business at nighttime and being so tired during the day that I would go to bed early. I wasn't online. I wouldn't use my phone during the day with the kids, and then I wasn't online at nighttime to be shopping. But I would avoid, I wouldn't just go to a shopping center to shop unless I had a need for something. If I was going to go there, I would only buy the thing I needed. So, I think that's another thing is if you're somebody who is maybe going to shops a lot, try to stop doing that. The other thing is maybe if you were somebody who you do like to shop, one thing that we do we save for something, so we'll have little accounts for things.

ADAM [36:45]

We get an allowance that neither of us have a say on how the other spends it.

ROSIE [36:48]

So, say for example my allowance, I can save my allowance and if I want to buy 10 tops for 10 dollars or 10 euro, I can or I can wait and save up and buy one good one for a 100. But I think the good thing about having that little allowance is I have friends who maybe they don't have money and they're scraping by day to day, but if they go to a clothing shop and they see a nice jacket for 10 euro or 20 euro on sale, they'll buy it because they're like, "Oh, it's lovely and I don't have money, so I'll get this now." But they might have four or five jackets. Whereas, I'll wait and I'll see my money build up, and then I'll be like, "Is that worth taking from my allowance for?" Because that's my money.�

But that really helped me as well because even now, with my wardrobe, I've nearly culled it back to just over 30 items of clothing. They're all good quality. They're all seeing where I can mix and match them. I think I�m going to go to another extreme and be like, "You know what? I�m going to have a set amount of items in my wardrobe and if I want to buy something new, I have to let go of something else." So, I have to really decide is that something I wanted to bring in because I'm going to have to let go of something that I have for it.

CAMILLE [38:01]

Yeah. I think that's a fun mindset because I notice I get the same thrill of getting rid of stuff as I do getting new stuff. I think that that's really interesting of tapping into your mindset and what is your focus and turning it more into a goal, a gameplay of reaching those goals. For those listening who want to apply this to business and success, which I know that that is a big part of what you offer as well, how would you translate what you've learned through minimalism towards building a business?

ROSIE [38:30]

Everything has to be simple. As soon as we complicate something, especially in my business, it's all about developing leadership in other people or I suppose giving people tools to use that will simplify their life. So, if I�m training someone, it has to be simple and it has to be something that someone else can do. So, again, if I�m doing something and I find it difficult or not useful or overwhelming, it's never going to help another person. If I�m doing anything and I�m trying to duplicate it in my business, if I�m stressed and overwhelmed, I would never ask someone else to do the thing I�m doing. I think for a long time even though we grew our business, I always held back in my business because I think there was a part of me that thought what I'm doing I can do it, but it's not duplicatable really to the masses. So, I think a big thing for me when we went to Portugal, it was I never worked during the day. I stopped checking my phone completely.

ADAM [39:36]

Rosie leaves her cellphone in another room during the day.

ROSIE [39:38]

I only work at nighttime, so I was like, "Okay. If I'm only going to work at nighttime and we still want to have date night and a board meeting. I need to have time where I can be mentored or educate myself." The time that I can work what I'm going to do during that time that will be effective to grow the business and when I figured it out, I�m like, "Okay. My life is smooth right now and our business is growing. Our podcast is growing. Everything is growing." So, I can teach this to other people because I'm happy and I�m not stressed and I�m not overwhelmed. So, surely other people will find that too. I think that was the moment when we came back to Ireland. I just thought, "Okay. I'm ready for my busy moms now."

ADAM [40:23]

I think the other thing. I know there's a quote or something, focus on the one thing because a lot of people would dabble in a lot of different bits and pieces. So, we focused a 100% on that one business until 2019, and then launched the podcast. So, we had a huge, big business, and then started the podcast, and then Rosie's just about to launch the journal based on the 10 years of journals that she's used. And then there'll be the course coming out to explain how to journal effectively for those that want a little bit more of a guided experience on how to journal and affirmations and stuff like that, wholly and solely focused on busy moms, but applicable to everyone. So, I think that's the thing is focus on the one thing that you do well.

ROSIE [41:20]

That gives you the foundation.

ADAM [41:23]

Distraction is the number one killer of business and a lot of small business people are like, "I've got to have multiple streams of income." Well, that's great, but you'll have multiple streams of stress and none of them will ever get big enough where there's enough stability and you'll be putting out too many fires. So, that would be one piece of advice is that we focus on the one thing, and then that gave the credibility and opening doors for the other things.

ROSIE [41:51]

Yeah. The other thing is complete passion. There are some things that just I have to bring to the world. That's the feeling that I have about them.

ADAM [41:59]

And they're not done for money.

ROSIE [42:00]

And they energize me. I think that was another thing me and Adam were talking about is, "How can we contribute more to charity?" And I think the things that I do about my doTERRA business, to me they're like the excess. They are things that I can really contribute towards a greater good because I don't need the finances from them. That was a big thing as well is I feel like I was waiting for the charity that I'm really passionate about. And one of them is Operation Underground Railroad and for people who don't know, that's about helping children who are caught up in

ADAM [42:38]

Child sex trafficking and things like that.

ROSIE [42:40]

I couldn't help that organization until I was solid and now that I�m solid, I feel like that's one that I really wanted to start focusing, and then wait and see what other things come in that I can start focusing on after that.

CAMILLE [42:56]

I would like to ask you because keeping it simple, I�m building a course right now. I'm curious which platform you're using for doing that because I'm a bit overwhelmed with how many options there are. What did you decide?

ROSIE [43:08]

So, we are actually re-building our website. We have gone with Wavoto.

ADAM [43:15]


CAMILLE [43:16]

Oh, I haven't heard of that one. Dang it.

ADAM [43:17]

It's an all-in-one package. Some friends of ours are helping with it. It's a funnel builder. It's a shopping cart. It's a CRM. It's a mailer, course builder, everything all in one.

ROSIE [43:34]

The reason why we chose that one and why we're trying to move over to it is because I want to use it. If I can use it as a busy mom, then I know that for any of my busy moms who then want to build something online as well that they would be able to transition into that and I'll be able to help them with that at a later stage as well.

ADAM [43:55]

We have a ton of friends that use Kajabi as their main one. But we found this solution, it's all-in-one. We had so many different things happening there. We had click funnels. We had everything happening. We were spending probably 700 euro a month on all of these different bits, and now we've got a whole solution for way less than that.

CAMILLE [44:16]

And it's Revoto?

ADAM [44:18]

Wavoto. W-A-V-O-T-O.com

CAMILLE [44:23]

Okay. I'll have to link to that, and then check that out because that sounds really cool.

ADAM [44:27]

Yeah. It's really cool. It's a cool product and they've got funnels and there's different pricing tiers and all sorts of stuff. I hank the max pricing is 197 bucks.

ROSIE [44:35]

The reason why I like it as well it was the tiered approach. For me, if I could mentor someone else, I could mentor them tier by tier, so whatever their finances were, they could do maybe just Tier 1 and get a handle on it, and then know what's ahead of them, but not feel that they need to do everything all at once. Because I think when you're building your own business, you realize you can only do a little bit at a time, so the less overwhelm the better.

CAMILLE [45:03]

Yeah, for sure. Well, this has been absolutely fascinating and I can talk to you two all day. Thank you so much for sharing all of these wonderful tips about how to build such a wonderful life and business and partnership. I think we covered so many wonderful things. Please tell our audience where they can find more about you and your new program.

ROSIE [45:24]

Okay. So, we're The Irish Mummy, M-U-M-M-Y, Podcast. So, that's where we are every Tuesday and Thursday. I'm also on Instagram, so the_irish_mummy as well. That one I'm going to do a lot more thing son it, tips and tricks and how to simplify and journaling. My Journal to Joy is going to be out very soon. So, as soon as its launched, you'll either find out about it on the_irish_mummy Instagram or on my website theirishmummy.com.

CAMILLE [45:55]

Awesome. Well, thank you. Thank you again and I look forward to speaking to you guys again. I know for sure we will.

ROSIE [46:02]

Thanks, Camille. We enjoyed every moment of tonight. Thank you.

ADAM [46:04]

A 100%. You were amazing.

CAMILLE [46:07]

Thank you.


CAMILLE [46:09]

Thank you so much for listening to this episode today. If you found purpose and inspiration, please let us know at callmeceopodcast on Instagram or come join our community on Facebook, Call Me CEO community. There's so much strength that we can learn from one another especially with finding peace and zen with what it is that we create in our environment and in our lives and that will translate to ourselves and also to our kids. So, today, I want to challenge you to think about something that you could minimize to create more mental freedom for you. What is it? Once you find and discover what that thing is, please come and tell me on Instagram. I love having conversations with you there and a resource where we can help each other as we build the lives that we love.


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