“Call Me CEO” is your master-class on innovation, creativity, leadership, and finding YOUR perfect balance between motherhood and entrepreneurship.

Jennifer Borget of Cherish365 takes us into her journey of starting as a broadcast journalist in a small town and making it big building and sharing her own story online. Jennifer breaks down how to set goals, build a vision board, and create a business you can be proud of. Motherhood and business is always a balance, learn how Jennifer makes it all work and still makes time to create meaningful moments with those who matter most.


Jennifer Borget changed her career plans to be a mom and a business owner and it has completely changed her life! As a young college student studying broadcast journalism, she thought her career would stay on that route. However, when a sudden move changed her plans, she was able to finish her studies, start a blog, and grow Cherish 365 into the full-time business it is today!


“ I embraced that [my blog] didn’t look like everyone else.”

Doubt and fear can fill our minds as we start to try something new. In this episode, learn how Jennifer overcame that!

Never underestimate your ability or work! Jennifer quickly learned this as she began her blog and business.


  • Cherishing every moment of your life, even the small details
  • Finding what is unique about you and your kids and digging in on that
  • Taking a leap of faith to do what you dream of
  • Realizing what you are doing is legit, even if it doesn’t look like everyone else’s
  • How Jennifer paid off her brand new house in two years

Resources and links mentioned during this episode:

Welcome to episode three. I am your host, Camille Walker. And today we're learning about how to define and press your goals with�Jennifer Borget, who started as a news broadcaster with an income of $36,000 annual and has now paid off a brand new home in under two years with primarily her income. But the most impressive part is Jennifer's heart. She's been able to build all of this at home with her babies, really focusing in on what matters most to cherish every single day, let's dive in.�

So, you want to make an impact. You're thinking about starting a business, sharing your voice. How do women do it? That handle motherhood, family, and still chase after those dreams? We'll listen each week as we dive into the stories of women who know. This is Call Me CEO.�

Camille Walker: Hey everyone. Thank you so much for being here. This is episode three of Call Me CEO, and I have one of my dearest

Bestest friends with us today,�Jennifer Borget.�

Jennifer Borget:�Hi.�

Camille Walker:�And this is going to be so much fun for us because we are best friends, and we are recent best friends. So, I think it�s kind of a romantic story about how we met. It totally is. So, we're going to get into that and then I�ll allow Jennifer to introduce herself. So, I am wearing my special Mickey mouse necklace today. I'm a little disappointed. I didn't tell Jennifer to wear something Disney, but it was actually Disney that brought us together. So, Jennifer, I'm going to let you take it from there.�

Jennifer Borget:�Gosh. Yeah. So, we were both on a trip at Disney world trip for Disney creator days. We got to bring our families. It was like this amazing experience, but I went without my husband and I brought my mother-in-law, who was awesome and was so sweet and said that she would come and help me with my three kids on this trip because I was not saying, no to this trip.

Camille Walker: That is needed.�

Jennifer Borget:�But Disney, it can be, it can be if you're not used to it and all the walking and everything, it can be a little tough. And I know we were in the same group together at Hollywood studios.�

Camille Walker:�It was Star Wars, like the Star Wars tour.�

Jennifer Borget:�Star Wars tour. Yes, that's what it was. And my son was getting kind of nervous with the loud noises and the blast and he like was flipping out and I need to go take him to grandma. And then my youngest daughter was, I don�t know, she wasn't sleeping. She was playing with your son's toys. Can you just hold my baby for me while I run?�

Camille Walker:�And if anyone has seen Lily, if you know, Jennifer's page, all the things she shares, like how could not hold that baby girl?�I was like, yes, let me hold her. I even took a picture of me holding her because I had two babies in my arm. I had Jet in one arm and Lilly in the other, and I was like, they're the cutest ever. So, yeah.�

Jennifer Borget:�I'm so glad that that worked out. You're just right there and willing to take my baby on a whim. And then we like the trip went on and we hung out on the cruise. And I remember one of the nights, a bunch of us met up and I just felt like we hit it off. It was love at first sight basically.

Camille Walker: Well, what was interesting about it is it was really a bunch of the women that were there, and we were talking business. We were talking about what was working for us, what wasn't, the push and the pull of all of it. And Jennifer would say things and I would be like, enthusiastically nodding my head, like, yes. And then I would say something, and she'd be doing the same thing. And I'm like, I feel like you're reading my mind. Like, so many of our experiences and thoughts were so similar that we're like, okay, this cannot stop here. We must be friends forever. And that is, that's how it started. So yeah, I think there's a lot of strength that can come from someone that you meet that can become a wonderful friend and ally and help cheer you on as you go. And I feel like that's been such a gift in business with other women, especially Jennifer is having her as an ally and a friend and really someone I have come to count on.

Jennifer Borget: Especially you, you're so great. Seriously this, it's nice to know that you can still make women friends this late in life, you know, not that we are�so old or anything, but you know, I mean, you think of best friends I know I used to think of it as something like, okay, your friends from high school or college and you stay in touch, but it's nice that you can still meet someone and just hit it off.

Camille Walker: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, I want to, I�ll do a little intro of you before this episode starts, but go ahead and introduce us to you, your family and your business. What are you all about?

Jennifer Borget: Yeah. So, my blog is www.cherish365.com and it is a blog about cherishing every day with your family and you know, with your family, whatever that may look like, right. Because all of us have different dynamics going on and also just cherishing the little things that you might walk by every day and just not notice, you know, it's kind of like a stop and smell the roses type message and cherishing the things that make you unique. And that make you an individual. Like, I look at my kids, I have three kids and while they look very similar, each of their personalities could not be more different. And I know before I became a mom, I thought that, Oh, my kids are going to do this and this and this. And they're just going to be like me, or they're going to be like my husband. But then after I had them, I realized that I get, you know, can teach them things, but they are their own. So, it's really about recognizing who I am, who they are, who all of us are. You know, I hope that people can come in and read what I write about setting goals or cherishing the little things and walk away with ideas on how to become better.

Camille Walker: I love that so much. And I feel like I�ve learned a lot from you watching you really tap into the different needs and interests of your children. It's so evident to see that you really take the time to dig in and see what lights them up inside. And it shows, and I love that you shared that on your platform in all the different ways. It brings joy and purpose. It accomplished exactly what you're looking for, which is to cherish every single day. And that is so awesome. So, take us back to when you were a kid, where did you grow up? Did you see yourself doing this type of work? Like how did you get to where you are now?

Jennifer Borget: Yeah. This journey has been not expected for sure. Like growing up, I grew up in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia and was in, you know, a little town that was growing. We had a pretty diverse community. Like my school that I was growing up in was probably like half black, half white, you know, like in the South say it's so segregated, but growing up, like we had quite a bit of diversity in our schools. And one thing that I loved was watching the news every night with my family. And we watched channel two action news and there is a news anchor on there that I loved Monica Kaufman, although that's her name now, I'm trying to remember what it was when I was, because she got married, but yeah, I watched her, I watched her growing up and I saw her and I saw myself in her and I said, that is what I want to do.�I love writing. I love speaking. And just talking and meeting people. I knew I wanted to, you know, be a reporter and write stories and share stories about the world. And that was my goal. And like from a young age, I knew that was what I wanted to do. And I set out and did that. Like in high school I was in journalism, you know, news clubs and things like that. And I did our daily news. I learned how to video edit and was always doing writing and public speaking competitions. And when I went to college, I knew exactly where I wanted to go to school and what I wanted to study. It was just all very set out and planned. And I was really fortunate that it worked out when I was in college. Like I got a job while I was in college for a small station.�And then when we moved, I went to after we got, so gosh, I'm like, do you want to hear my whole story? I met my husband like right out the gate. And when I moved to Utah from by way of Arizona and I met him and six months later we got married, but he had a golf scholarship in Southern Utah. So, we moved from Provo, which is an area where near where he grew up. And he was in St. George. So, we moved down there after we got married. And while I was down there, I was able to get a job at a new station and report. And I thought like, this is it. Like I�ve made it. I'm, you know, I�ve started my career, even though I'm in college, this is great. And I loved it, but then he decided that he wanted to be a dentist.�So, he's like, I really feel strongly that we need to move back up to Provo. And you know, we can go back to BYU and we'll do this program. And I thought, but I already started my career, and I don't want to have to shift and change, but I was like, okay, well, I trust you. And I�ll just finish, you know, studying broadcast journalism up there. And there were like different things along the way that had changed and happened. Like at first I didn't have like the right grades and the prerequisites and I had to get appeals and thankfully ended up working out and I got into the broadcast journalism program and worked for a station in salt Lake for a little bit. I earned scholarships in broadcast journalism and it more than paid for my school, which was a huge blessing.�And like I just was like, so laser-focused on that job. And that career, like every, every job I took, every scholarship I applied for, everything was very, very focused on like getting things laid out so I could have this career in journalism. And I graduated from BYU and moves to Texas. We decided like what state would be great for golf and not have snow. And we saw some CNN article and it said, Austin, Texas, number one. And we thought let's move to Austin. And I ended up applying for a job and I got it. And that was, yeah, that was my plan to like work my way up the in Austin and then moved back to Atlanta and worked for CNN. And but along the way, while we've been here in Texas, we had our first daughter, and my husband started a career as a police officer.�And we just, we're both kind of had crazy schedules with news and stuff. I was working on the weekends. He was working on the weekends. Like I worked early mornings, he worked early mornings. I worked late. Like, it was just really hard with kids. And I had been freelance writing for some websites and steps and parenting websites and magazines. And I had started my blog as a fun thing to do on the side, just as a creative outlet while I was working in journalism, because I felt like while I loved storytelling and being in journalism, I didn't really have a chance to be silly and share my personality and things like that. So that's when I had started my blog before I had.�

Camille Walker:�And what year was that? That you started your blog?�

Jennifer Borget:�So, I started my blog in 2008.�So, 2008, I started my blog the same year. I started my job in Austin as a news reporter and anchor. And it was like anonymous because it was like, you didn't want to get caught having a blog when you're a reporter. Like you can't, you know, not to have those worlds collide, but yeah, so it was at the time it was called baby-making machine and it was all about like my journey toward becoming a mom. And I just got to be silly and fun. And I told my friends about it and it just like was growing and growing and growing. And I was able to get a lot of freelance opportunities through that. And since I was already a writer, it was fun to write for these other websites. And then, yeah, after I had my son who is now seven, so my daughter, I guess was two and a half at the time almost three.�And then my son was a newborn and we had kind of sat down and thought, all right, like you could still make a little money with your writing and maybe you can make more down the road. But the schedule was just really hard for both of us, with the kids. And it's hard to find childcare on the weekends and it was crazy hours. So, we decided that I would like take a step back from my job. And it was actually like a fortune cookie that helped me decide. Yes, it was.�

Camille Walker:�What did it say?�

Jennifer Borget:�I saw on Twitter that it was free orange chicken nights at Panda express, I'm going to go get some free orange chicken. And it came with a fortune cookie and inside it said, take that leap you've been considering. And that was it for me. I was like, okay. It's like, there's my sign.�I needed a sign. I'd been praying, you know, like a hardcore, yes, this is, you know, a good thing to do because, you know, like I had said, like, I focus my whole life on this career, like knowing this is what I wanted to do in journalism. And I wanted, and I had earned all these scholarships, like all these people who believed in me and like helped fund my college and mentor me. And I felt like I was just giving up all of that. And like, you know, they would be not ashamed, but maybe disappointed a little bit that I was stepping away. But my job was super encouraging, my boss, like I went in and when I told them that I just couldn't work weekends anymore and I had to leave. I said, I'd love to keep freelancing if it was a possibility.

And they loved that idea. So, I was able to keep doing it for a while for several years actually. And just working like one to three days a week there. And then while I had that as a side, my blog business, I was able to focus more wholeheartedly on and learn new skills and just write more and start working with brands and collaborating. And then it was like, there was this shift in like my income. And I just saw, you know, my blog income rising higher and higher, like I'd already kind of been seeing it trending that way. But then it surpassed my journalism job and it just felt like the right move and time to part ways. And I was happy that I was able to keep working there part time for a while, more kind of refined in my resume. And if I ever wanted to kind of keep a foot in the door, but then it just felt good when eventually it was like, all right, I'm done with that phase of my life. I'm a business owner now. And you know, I work on this with my family and I still get to use all of the skills that I learned in storytelling and photography and videography. But now my voice is more of my own versus, you know, sharing the stories of others, which is also really fun.

Camille Walker: That's so great.�

Jennifer Borget:�Thank you so much for listening to episode three. The code word on this episode is Disney. If you want a chance to win hundreds of prizes for this launch week, leave a five star review and subscribe, take a screenshot of that review and DM it to me at Call Me CEO podcast on Instagram for your chance to win with the code word, Disney. Thank you so much for joining me. And I hope to see you here next week. Call Me CEO podcast.�

Camille Walker:�So let's talk about that nudge a little bit, because I feel like each of us, when we're about to launch something or do something new, it can be hard to come with that within ourselves. We're looking for that sign. So, in your mind, I know you're very goal oriented. Do you write pro and con list? Do you, were you looking more at the income? Was it more of like time with your kids? Like, what was it that finally gave you that push of like, okay, I'm committing to this, let's go to the next phase?

Jennifer Borget: Yeah. I mean, I do like to do pro and con list, but I feel like I�m, I�ve kind of been led a little bit more by intuition or just like my gut. Like, what's it really saying, like I do write the pro and con list, I do like think it through logically, but I feel like a lot of my decisions at the end of the day come down to like how it really feels in my gut, what I'm going to do. And then I'm amazed at how once you make that decision, like the most stressful part is the indecision. When you're trying to decide one way or another, like it's agonizing, but then once you've made the decision, like this is what I'm going to do. It's so freeing and knowing, you know, you've made that choice and now it's like, okay, now we can move forward, and you know, pursue this. And if you want to change it later, that's okay too. But it's hard when you're stuck in the middle.

Camille Walker: I agree with you. I feel like when I�ve been stuck in the middle, that's when I feel the most agonizing, like the stress of it, because you just don't know that you're just in the middle and it just feels kind of yucky. And I like how you said when you just move forward, and it just feels freeing and it just makes so much sense. So now you're at home with your kids, you're doing a baby-making machine. And at what point were you that you felt like, okay, this is a legit business. Like, I�ve really, this is it for me.

Jennifer Borget: When was that? I think it was probably when, maybe a�year before I had my third child, or like after I had her, when I found out I was having her because, so I decided to rebrand my blog from baby making machine to cherish 365 after I had both my kids and they were getting a little bit older. My son was four. My daughter was like six, seven years old. And I felt like we were getting out of the baby phase. And I really wanted something that embraced more of what I was trying to share, like similar, you know, baby-making machine was cute and cheeky and it was, you know, first it started as my journey toward becoming a mother, then my journey through motherhood and then like making these babies into people. Like I kept trying to kind of mold it and make it work with where I was going and where I wanted to go, but it just didn't feel like it was fitting.�So, my 30th birthday, I had a vision board party and had stuck all these words on my vision board and cherish was a word that it popped up. And I had been using the hashtag cherish 365 for like a daily photo series that I had done with my daughter and then my son. And I just thought, wow, this is a really good name. And then I searched and I'm like, Oh, the domain's available this, you know, this could be my brand, I think this could work. And so, I bought it, I trademarked it and I felt like that was when it was like, all right, this is a business. Like I have trademarked a name. I, have you know, started this whole thing. Like this could be really big. This can be a thing. And I think at the time I had all these ideas of where my business could go.�And you know, I was thinking when I think of business, I tend to think of like tangible products. So, I was holding myself up a little bit and like, okay, well someday I'm going to have a product, someday I'm going to have something people can buy or like a shop or something like this. And I was kind of holding myself up a little bit with that and figuring out what I was going to do and what I was going to sell. But then I found out I was pregnant with my youngest, Aliyah, who I call Lily and that just rocked my world because like we thought we were done and I just changed from baby making machine. And like now I'm having another baby. And it was like, what is happening? So, that changed a lot for sure, because it was like, all right, like drop everything, forget like making stuff and like products.�And, you know, I'm just, I just need to make it through this like, change that we weren't expecting. But it also helped me embrace like really the point of the name and my brand and everything, and realize like, I don't need, it doesn't have to be a product. Like, my business doesn't have to look like everyone else's and really like leaning into what my business is and not feeling like it has to look like someone else's like understanding, like my message is my brand. My content is my brand. This all is a part of it. And having Aliyah really helped me to see that more and to, you know, the cherishing every day became even easier because it was like, now I have this little person who's growing so fast. And her personality is like, even completely different than the other two. Like, it was just a very eye-opening experience with, you know, and she helped me, like seeing her and knowing like, Oh my gosh, these newborn years, it's so rough. And like, but I could also turn around and look at my eight-year-old daughter and think like, well, she was just a baby. It's like, seems like months ago. So it really helped me lean into my brand more because I was like, actually living this experience of yeah, really [23:09�inaudible] every day, because it's hard, but it goes by so fast and it is hard and it doesn't take away the fact that it's hard, but it also does just go by so fast. So yeah, having her, and then just helps me wake up more. And then I also just didn't have the time to do everything anymore with this extra person.�So, I had to bring on more contractors and that was like a big wake up for me, like, all right, this is legit, this next cause I'm paying people now. And like, I�ve got to keep doing this. So, I'd say sometime between that, like the rebrand and right before, so I guess like 2017 and 2018 when she was born is probably about the time. So that's, like, that was, I was like calling myself a hobbyist for like almost 10 years. You know what I mean?�

Camille Walker:�No, I feel like I�have watched you go through that transformation because I have watched you do that. And it's been many conversations between us that I'm like, no, no, no. Like you are a boss. Like you are, you have a legit business that you own, and it is incredible. And like you said, I embraced that it didn't look like everyone else's. And I think that that is what has made you so successful is that you're very, you're very goal oriented and you go after what you want, but you're also so good at creating community and connection. And I'm curious to have you speak to that a little bit, because you have developed such a heartfelt community around your brand. How do you think you were able to accomplish that?

Jennifer Borget: Well, I think that a lot of their community has just been with me for so long. Like, you know, I am surprised when I post a flashback picture of Jada when she was on my blog as a newborn and people are like, I remember this picture I�ve been here since, before she was born. And I mean, I feel so thankful for that because, you know, that is like loyalty right there and commitment to stay in tune. And a lot there are like probably a good, like handful or a couple of chunks of people who, you know, I know by name who commented on my blog years ago, who now come in on Instagram and message me and we keep in touch. And I mean, that's really important to me. I sometimes wish there was a way to foster that even more, like, I feel like I am very like message me or chat with me and I will just chat you up, you know,�But then at the same time with three kids, it gets harder and harder to do that. So I feel like that is something that I'm looking to do to be a little bit better about even with allowing my community, to connect with one another and not just me and to share things and have them feel like they can share their stories and things with each other also. But I think just being honest and real and consistent, I think has been some of the main things, you know, I didn't really have a period where I fell off for a long time. And I think that's probably the hardest thing sometimes with people with blogs and, and other, you know, podcasting and other things in this industry is, you know, starting and then feeling like it's not taking off and then leaving and then trying to pick back up again, that's hard, you know, but I�ve been there like every week, you know, usually several times a week for the last more than a decade.

Camille Walker: And what was that that kept you going?

Jennifer Borget: I think part of it in the beginning, all of it was like journaling. Like I just wanted to, this was like my online journal. I wanted to document, and I wanted to share and keep things updated. And then as I learned more about SEO and writing and things that people are looking for and trying to write to help people, you know, I felt like I had this whole identity crisis when it became, like people were starting blogs and they're like, you need to be serving people and giving them. And I'm like, well, what have I been doing the last ten years? I've been sharing my story, but people still come, so I don't want to totally change what I'm doing. But like finding ways to weave things in that we like that are helpful, like has been one of the main shifts.�Like I still write the personal diaries and I still share a lot of that. And different platforms make that easier. Like Instagram stories definitely feels more like the diary these days. And while I still share some things like in my blog, it's not as often. And then, you know, my blog gets more of the things that people may want to bookmark and come back to, or my movie reviews are some of my favorite, like a little bit of both. Cause it's like the personal of what we thought of a new movie. And then but also helpful because people are looking for like, is it worth buying or renting or paying to go see this movie.

Camille Walker: That is so fun. I love all of the content that you make. And you've had some really incredible partnerships. What is one that you're most proud of or even a few, or if there's something you can think of where you had a partnership that you were like, Oh, this is cool.

Jennifer Borget: Yeah. I've been lucky. I've had like a lot of really cool partnerships, but one that definitely stands out the most is working with Canon because I had like, I just love their cameras and I�ve been buying them for years and buying their lenses. And they'd reached out years ago and I got to do some tutorial posts for them on different websites. And then I got to work with them on my own site. And then I got to make a photography course with them and promote that. And I was able to go to New York a couple of times and teach there. And that was just like a fun, natural like very dynamic type of partnership that I did for several years. So that was a lot of fun. Working with Disney has been fun just because we like it so much and going there and the movies and stuff, I just feel like that's, you know, just, it's not even like a monitoring thing, it's just like a fun because it just fits so well.�And it's who we are. Yeah, those are a couple, I feel like I�ve left out. I really like the ones that like know me and allow me to do collaborations and like giveaways or like charitable type of things. Like right now I'm working with general mills and box tops. And I feel like I�ve been beating people over the head with like box tops are digital now, but you need to, like, you can contribute. And, but it's funny how every time I talk about it, I get more people like, Oh, okay. Yeah, I just signed up [30:13�inaudible] and�even though we homeschool, like now we're donating to these schools and I'm like, yes, it's really cool. It's great. You know, so I think just ones that can get people doing stuff, you know, not necessarily buying things, but doing things like, and maybe that's what's in common with both of those is you know, like Canon it's like, okay, taking pictures and how to capture your kids and their essence and who they really are, or like capturing their like crazy wildness. And so, it's not in a blurry picture and, you know, learning how to use these fancy cameras that you got is a Mother�s Day gift or whatever. And then yeah, like putting like your grocery shopping, like here's the tip for how you can like put it to use and good use. Those are some of my favorite ones.

Camille Walker: Those are also good. So, you've done a lot of years of influencing and it has changed a lot over the years. Do you feel like if someone were to start today, what advice would you give them to get their foot in the door and even make it possible to work with these incredible brands?

Jennifer Borget: I think, I mean, at least in my experience and what I�ve seen, like something I think that is really important is like knowing who you are and what you want to share. And I know that people will say like very niche specific, like, know what you're going to talk about. Like, you're going to talk about plants or organic foods or fitness, or, you know, pick it and stick to it is what they'll say. And they'll say lifestyle isn't a niche. Like he needs something more concrete, but I don't think that it has to be a topic that you fit into, but having your voice be so specific and so like recognizable to where, whatever you're talking about, it works and it fits. So, like knowing who you are and your voice and your tone and like whatever your passion is. Like, if you can tie your passion and your voice into like something, then you can talk about anything, you know, you can talk about cleaner and the way that you talk about, you know exercising, like, but it just has to do with who you are and, you know remembering that.�So I think that's something that's really important is just not, it's so easy because in this job, like you have to be online, you have to consume some but it's easy to over consume other people's content and then lose your voice and lose sight of what you want to do, because it's like, you're a dog with squirrels running around and you're like, Oh, should I do that? Should I do that? Should I do that? But being aware of what you really want to do and what your voice is and how it's unique, because it is unique. Like you may feel like it's not, but it is like, you're the only person that has that voice that has your life experience that has like, you're the only you ever have been or ever will be. So just remembering that I think can help make that a little bit easier.�And then just feeling like [33:18�inaudible]�and figuring out what you need to do to get back to that, because you're going to fall out of like fall off the wagon and forget that now. And then like, that happens to everyone. So knowing ways to get back to that and then just being, so that's like my like [33:29�inaudible]�way of talking about this, and then I'd say practical things or just being consistent, like don't, you know post once and then run away because it didn't do well and get scared and not post it, like you just have a consistent schedule. So, people know that you're going to be showing up for them and for you and yeah, just being consistent. And I think if you're having fun with it and you're, you know, what your voice is and what your goal is then that makes it that much easier. At least for me, like, it's so hard for me to work if I'm not having fun. So, I think if you're having fun with it, that makes it easier to show up. And then, you know, you do a post, I know I�ve written posts and I�ve thought like, if it only gets two likes, I don't care because I am so proud of this. And like, it never fails that those are the posts that do the best.

Camille Walker: I love that. That intention and just being so true to who you are. So, we talk a lot about books to read and things that really help transform and discover our own voice. So, you're a big reader. What would the top three I'm making it three, because I know one is hard. What would top three books be to helping someone discover that inner voice or their purpose?

Jennifer Borget: Okay. So, for discovering their inner voice or their purpose, that's like a really good specific, so I'm like I have so many books. But I feel like that's a good way to narrow it down. So one that I really liked was start with why, I really liked that one because it kind of breaks down like why the why is so important and it kind of gives you, it helps you, like maybe it doesn't necessarily help you figure out what your why is, but it helps you realize why that's so important. Yeah. So that's a really good one. I really like surprisingly it's pretty deep and like it's my all-time favorite book and some people see it as very life-changing, but one that speaks to this idea of like who you are. It is a new earth.�I thought that was pretty good. And that it like really helps you like strip away all these labels and things that we put on ourselves. Like, Oh, well I am a homeschool mom. I am a wife, I'm a mom of three. And like, Oh yeah. Like all these different labels that we try to put on our, you know, like our race, our, you know, all these things and like stripping that away. What's left, you know, that I thought was really good for that. And what's another line. There's so many, I don't know. Those were my top two. Cause I don't want to say it and they'd be like, wait, no, it is this one.

Camille Walker: Yeah, no, that's perfect. You have done something really unique in this business, in that you have an agent that works for you outside of New York city. And I want you to speak to that because that's a pretty unique thing. I do not have my own agent. I know others that do, but how did that transform your business and how did you go about having that happen?�

Jennifer Borget:�Yeah, so that was really scary for me, but so this woman I had met at a blog conference like maybe I think a year earlier and I had spoken with her, I thought she was really nice. I actually didn't even realize that she was an agent when I met her. I just knew that she made press kits for people. And I thought that they were really pretty, and I knew mine was in need of an update.�And I didn't realize that one of my friends had her as her agent. But I just knew we were going to stay in touch, and I was going to have her work on my press kit. And after the conference I contacted her, and we went through that process and chatted a few times. I loved her work. Like it turned out beautiful and right at the end of like us tying that up, or maybe it was sometime in the middle of it I found out that I was pregnant and maybe I told her like the, and or something. And I just, like, I was stressing out like, how am I going to do everything? And now I'm going to have a newborn. Like, it was like kind of change, you know, like changing everything. And she was like, well, you know, I'd love to work with you if you're interested.�Like, I think worked well together with this project. And I was like really scared because at that time I had like had a few contractors help me here and there, but I had never paid someone like a substantial salary type thing. And it was like, it was a big decision. Like I was like telling my husband, like I'm pretty much going to be paying her more than what you bring home. Like, is this worth it, is this going to be a good investment. But so that was another leap of faith, you know and it was like a mindset shifts that I had to do because I had been, we've always been very, very like budget savvy and just very big on like, not overspending. So it was hard for us, hard for me especially, I knew once I made the decision, I could like work it over with my husband, but it was hard for me to be like, all right, this is going to be worth it.�But I had actually read a book. You're a badass at making money by, not sure of her last name. But that was like a really, really big game changer for me because it had just, I�ve gone from thinking like kind of from a scarcity complex of money, kind of like, I don't need to make lots of money. I just need to like get by. And like, it just shifted my whole views on money because I had, and at this point, remember, I didn't really like see myself as this business owner, like woman, you know, like I just was like, yeah, [39:46�inaudible], like it's good. But I never thought I could make a lot of money. I just never saw myself doing that. So that book really shifted things for me, because I was like, Oh, well, maybe I could make lots of money.�Why couldn't I? You know, like, what's stopping me. What if I did? What if I did double my income? What if, you know, it just gave me all these what ifs that I had never considered before that looking back, I think really was limiting my views and my potential, because I just had a limited mindset. And I think that also limited my potential. So once I broke that away and was like, all right, I'm diving in, like, and if I'm going to pay this person, like I'm going to have to, you know, make it worth it. And it did, like it worked out really well. And now I'm like, I don't even think I could work without her. So, I think that it's, you know, one of those things, when, you know, you're thinking about investing in your business and it's really scary. And some people, you know, I have friends who I think invest very easily just knowing, like, it's a business investment it's going to pay off. I was never that person who could do that, but now I�ve definitely become more like conscious, but like more willing to invest in my business, knowing that it has the potential to pay off.

Camille Walker: That's so awesome. And Bravo, because man, I�ve loved watching that journey for you because it just is incredible. You've done so many amazing things with your business. And one thing that I love is that you really incorporate your children into creating content. So, speak to that a little bit, like how you involve them and how it's taught, especially Jada, how she could have potential in business,

�Down the road, if she chose to.�

Jennifer Borget:�Yeah. You know, it's funny because they were just born into the business, right. Like they were just like, here's another baby. And this, you know, my blog was all about my babies and it's funny because at first I thought I even have Broncos probably where I was like, well, I'm never going to share pictures of my baby on my blog, just so you guys know, like, we're going to keep that, that it was like a weekend. I don't even think it was a week. Here is my baby everybody. So that definitely changed. And yeah, like, I mean, I think it started out as like all, like through my perspective of parenting, you know, like through my eyes and this is what they did, and this was my, this is my perception of this. And it still is, but now I'm trying to allow them to present themselves however they want to, and just kind of giving them a chance to have a platform.�And also, I think that it�s kind of sharing little blips of them here and there, I think went from like, here's my cute kid and what I dressed him in. And you know, what she wore for Halloween to now, like the explanation behind why we chose this costume or why this was so fun for them, or, you know why my son loves these animals or my daughter is into, you know, works hard and getting these skills and [43:07�inaudible] in�gymnastics. And like, it's more of the why behind all of those things and it's showing their personalities. And I think that it's become more intentional for sure. Like, okay, I'm not always just going to show them just to show them. I am giving like little glimpses of who they are and like sharing their light. And I�ve noticed more and more parents responding and saying that they appreciate that.�Like, they appreciate how, the way that they'll put it as, like how you are tailoring, like what you're teaching in your kids around their interests, or you're letting them be who they are or how you see your children, like the way that you see them. Like I see these things and I'm like, Oh, Hey, I'm glad this gets through. Because that is my intention now when I share them, you know, it's not just like, Oh, here's my kid with this thing. But it's like, you know, I'm giving you a glimpse that, you know, you guys see me all the time and who I am, but these people that I'm raising are actually kind of quite different than me in many ways. And I hope that it helps other parents see their kids a little bit differently too, and maybe approach things with them and like see them for who they are and not just as their child, but as their own person. So that's been really fun for me to show him that way. And it's been fun to also see my audience get more attached to them in different ways, because Aaliyah is so easy to attach to, Lilly because she's just so cute and funny and, you know, but my other kids, I can see people growing attached to them too, because they're not just seeing a photo or just seeing them in the background or hearing them randomly say like what we're eating for dinner or whatever, but they're also hearing what excites them and they can see them lighting up when they're talking about something that is their spark.

Camille Walker: Yeah. And I think that that can be different for each family because in mine, my kids are not as camera friendly as yours are. And I think being in this business or, I mean, anyone, any mother on social media now is making that choice of how much they want to share how much their kids will be sharing. And I think at each, you know, with each kid, that level of interest is different. And so, you just need to have an open conversation of what does that look like and how do we do this? Because I have been in situations before where I�ve needed to get a product of a picture or a picture of a product or do some video. And the child involved is like, no, like I'm not interested in this. So that can be tricky too, but there's been a lot of lessons learned, being able to see me work as their mother and see what the process of creativity can look like and how that affects our family and allows us to pay the bills. And it's, I think it's teaching a lot of lessons in our house, and I know that you are a big believer in goal setting and have achieved some really incredible goals lately. Do you want to share a little bit more about that?

Jennifer Borget: Yeah. Well, okay. First, I do want to say that if my kids are in the picture for product, I do pay them and that definitely helps them feel more open to doing something. I don't pay them a lot. They're like happy for a couple of dollars. And then other things that I share with them are like poorly, whatever they want, like [46:44�inaudible]�I saw animals, like a lot of the times he's not on camera, but maybe it would just be his voice or something, or I�ll say, or, you know, he'll come to me when he's holding a snake and be like, can you record me? And I'm like, yeah, sure. I love it. But yes, like every kid is totally different [46:58�inaudible].

Camille Walker: I know, I wish my kids were more like that. [47:03�inaudible] and I will pay my kids too. Yes, yes. If they are in photos and are doing like, or even filming for me sometimes I will pay them. But I do tell them that they have to have a positive attitude because when they become an employee someday your attitude and your work ethic are part of that job. Like you can't just do it while it's in there and have a stinky attitude and expect to be paid. So, we talk about that. We talk about that. Yeah. Like you can be a part of this.�

Jennifer Borget:�That's a really good lesson.�

Camille Walker: I think it has been.

Jennifer Borget: Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. So yeah, with goal setting, I mean, we are big on that for sure. And I like totally talk to my kids about that all the time. They're probably, I don't think they're annoyed, but especially my oldest, like, well, what are your goals? And okay what about in this area of life and, okay, so what are you doing today to help you reach that, you know, goal for next week or whatever. And I work the same way with myself and I feel like I will set a goal. And at first when I'm first setting it, it seems completely outrageous. And like, Ooh, I don't know if this is going to happen. And then after telling myself over and over and over again, that it's going to happen, then it just becomes like a no brainer. It's crazy how, I mean, maybe that sounds crazy.�I don't know. Or maybe that sounds like, yeah, that sounds about right. But like, so when we found out we were having Lily it was kind of like, okay, are we going to stay in this house? Or should we move? We built that house that we were in before. And my husband was like, we're never moving again. Like I hate moving. This is like, okay, but his mom was like, no, you guys need more space. You're having another baby.�

Camille Walker:�I love your mother-in-law by the way. Oh, I love her.�

Jennifer Borget:�Yeah. She's so great. And she has like, you know, gotten in my head a couple of times. And that was one of those times that I was like, well, maybe we do need a bigger place. And, but maybe if we did, we could just get everything we want.�And I just want a place with trees. Like it was something in the back of my mind that I had wanted that we didn't have where we were. I was like, I just, if we had an acre, if it was the same house on an acre, I would be so happy and I would be fine. So then when we found out we were having [49:32�inaudible], we were like, okay, an acre and an office, you know, so it was like a little bit more. And like, my husband was, we looked around, like I had hired a realtor and we were looking around and there were like old houses and places. It just all seemed really expensive and out of budget or maybe we'd have to fix it up or like, it was just, I wasn't sure how it would happen. And then also like convincing my husband that we could move and that we could afford it.�And I was just like, what if I save for half of the house before we move? Like, what if I just save 50%? That way we can just put half down, our payments won't be that much more than we're paying right now in our house. And he was like, okay. And we have to sell our condo. Cause we had a condo in Utah at the time that we bought right before the recession and hanging onto, and I'm like, okay, done, like you tell me the terms, then I will make it happen. So, I called a realtor, we sold the condo like 30 days later and I'm like, now I just have to save for the house. So yeah, and then that was just my focus. Like I'm saving, we're going to put 50% down. And after looking around for like maybe a month or so we realized that maybe building a house would be better just because I'd have more time to save that way.�I was getting really stressed out about like looking at what was on the market and when things popped up and like, I just didn't want to miss something, and I didn't want to like wait around forever. So, I was like, let's just build. And we found a plan, like we negotiated and got everything we wanted. Like, it was very, very similar to our last house in many ways, but we added an upstairs with a movie room and a playroom and then we just, yeah, I was just saving and we'd already been saving like pretty much like our entire marriage, we had saved a little bit. And then as our income increase, we just saved more instead of spending more. And but I was, I was basically like, we were like, all right, we're saving, but we're not including the money that we've already saved.�Like kind of like starting fresh. I think we did include the money from selling our condo, but yeah, but we wanted to keep our savings that we already had. So, it was a challenge, but I was like, if this is what it's going to take, like I will do it. And once we had the final number of what our build was going to be like, you know if you build a home, you go into a design center and they try to get you to upgrade every little thing. And I was like, no, we're keeping it. We're keeping it basic for everything, everything. And we came in at like a really great price and I was like, all right, I think I can do this. So, then I had my number and just like everything I made that year, I just was saving every penny of it.�And then when it can kind of close, we were able to put like, we were like, what about, what if we just round the number out? So, we ended up, it ended up being 51% down. And then we were like, all right, let's make a goal. Like, we were so happy with my closure. We're like, let's make a goal to pay it off within five years. I'm like, okay, perfect. Like, that's a good goal. We can get on that and like mapping out the payments. But then at the beginning of this year, I was like looking at our numbers and everything and we've still been saving. And I was like, you know what, like, what if we paid it off this year? I think we could do that. I think we could do it if we like really, really save, I think we could pay it off this year.�And you know, at this point we had been in the house for a year. So, we were like, my husband is kind of skeptical, but also knows like if I set a goal, like I'm going to go for it. So, he was like, sure. You know, we could see like maybe, and I just mapped it out and started going for it. And like at first, you know, like I was saying with the goal, like at first it seemed a little bit crazy. And I was like, I don't know if I want to really like put it out there and say, I'm doing that this year. And I didn't really tell him many people, like I told you, and you know, of course my husband knew, but I was like, I don't know if this can happen, but like towards the middle of the year, I'm like, this is going to happen.�Like this is going to happen. Of course, this is going to, you know, and then like, it's like, of course this is going to happen. When are we paying it off? When can we pay it off? So yeah, so we just paid it off and yes, I'm so excited. Like, it's still settling in, but it's under two years. So, our two years will be coming up with when we closed on the home and yeah, we paid off and part of it was because I was so mad,�they gave us a bad interest rate. So, I was like, let me get this.�

Camille Walker: So, you bought a house and paid it off in two years?�

Jennifer Borget:�Yes.�

Camille Walker:�And primarily from your income?

Jennifer Borget: Yeah. Yeah.�

Camille Walker: That's incredible. Okay. So, one question that I'm asking everyone that comes on the show is, do you believe that family and life can be balanced with business? Or do you think that that is a myth?

Jennifer Borget: No, I don't think it's a myth. I definitely think it's a possibility. I don't think it's always easy depending what your business is. But I think if that's your goal, like if your goal in your business is to also have that balance and I absolutely think it's possible. It might mean shifting obligations and tasks and duties one way or another, but you know, I don't think you're always be leveled out in that balance and like equally balanced. I think sometimes business will come before family and sometimes family comes before business, but I definitely think, you know, like averaging it out on a week or a month, I think it's possible.

Camille Walker: Yeah. And what are some things that you've done that have helped you to achieve that?

Jennifer Borget: I think for me like setting intentional limits on things or boundaries with my kids, with my emails, you know, or whatever that is like, okay, I'm only going to check my emails at this time and this time or knowing like right now I work on weekends every week and I know that's going to happen, but I know that I'm going to take off like two days in the middle of the week. So just making, being flexible and knowing that your business just might not look like everyone else's, or it might not be like a Monday through Friday nine to five kind of business, depending on what it is. Like, it just, it may look weird and it may look different, but if you still get the balance out of it, [56:38�inaudible]. I think that counts.

Camille Walker: That's awesome. Well, I appreciate you sharing so much with us today. It has been so fun to interview you. So, thank you so much.�

Jennifer Borget:�Thank you. This has been fun.�

Camille Walker:�Yeah. All right. Well thank you everyone who's listened in today and make sure that you send me a screenshot of your five-star review with a comment review on Instagram at Call Me CEO podcast, for your chance to win some amazing prices.�

Hey CEOs, thank you so much for spending your time with me. If you found this episode inspiring or helpful, please let me know in a comment in a five-star review, you could have the chance at being a featured review on an upcoming episode. Continue the conversation on Instagram at Call Me CEO podcast. And remember you are the boss.

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