“Call Me CEO” is your master-class on innovation, creativity, leadership, and finding YOUR perfect balance between motherhood and entrepreneurship.


Poppy Delbridge was able to manifest success in her career through Rapid Tapping, a program she created to help others with mental health. After being introduced to tapping during a rough time in her life, she was able to experience a positive change in her mental health. That inspired her to develop this tapping program. Tapping is a form of therapy that helps you access your body’s energy and sends signals to the part of the brain that controls stress. She has now turned to coaching others with tapping and helping them improve their mental health! Check out this week’s episode to see how she got started and developed a successful career through this.



  • Introduction to Tapping and what it is
  • Manifesting success through a solid mission for your business
  • Tapping examples and how they work
  • Connecting the mind and body to strengthen your emotional health
  • Overcoming mind blocks on the road to success

resources and links mentioned during this episode:



Have you ever heard of tapping? Tapping is a form of therapy that helps you access your body's energy and sends signals to the part of the brain that controls stress. They claim that stimulating the meridian points through EFT tapping can reduce the stress and negative emotion you feel from your issue. Ultimately, restoring balance to your disrupted energy.

Well, if you want to learn more about how tapping can work and how it can help you manifest your dreams and what you have planned for your future, you are going to love this episode with Poppy Delbridge. She actually developed a program called Rapid Tapping which helps women unlock blocks that are in their way to help them achieve their goals and even manifest their biggest dreams.

It was such a fascinating conversation with Poppy because she shares how she left her job at Warner Brother's to really find a greater purpose for herself and help unlock not only her own potential but all of those around her. So, let's dive in.


CAMILLE [1:08]

So, you want to make an impact. You're thinking about starting a business, sharing your voice. How do women do it that handle motherhood, family and still chase after those dreams? We'll listen each week as we dive into the stories of women who know. This is Call Me CEO.


CAMILLE [1:28]

Welcome back everyone to another episode of Call Me CEO. My name is Camille. I'm your host. Today, we're talking to Poppy Delbridge, who is actually an incredible tapper. Have you heard about tapping? It's something that I cannot wait to hear more about because Poppy actually helps gear and direct others to help them understand how they can tap into visualization, making your dreams a reality and taking all of that knowledge that she's learned working in the corporate world for years at Warner Brothers, and now, taking it into inspiring, motivating and changing women's lives.

Poppy, thank you so much for being here today. I cannot wait to dive into this topic with you.


I'm very excited. Yeah. Thanks for having me.

CAMILLE [2:15]

So, you are a mother of one. You described your son as being seventeen, but looking younger or older. Which was it?

POPPY [2:22]

Oh, it's me that looks young for having a seventeen-year-old, I think, because I was quite young when I had him. I was twenty-one.

CAMILLE [2:30]

I can attest to that for those of you who are listening. I will be sharing this video as well, but my goodness, Poppy, you do look really young. What is your secret?

POPPY [2:39]

I drink an awful lot of water. There are other secrets but that's the only one I can really share.

CAMILLE [2:49]

Okay. We'll talk later. But yeah, hydration, that is a big deal. I just had a skin consult yesterday and a lot of the time, we talked about hydration of the face and all of the things. So, I appreciate that tip. That's really helpful.

So, I want to hear how you got your start. You said that you worked with Warner Brothers in London, which is where you live. You're in England. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. Did you have anything to do with that process?

POPPY [3:17]

Yeah. Warner Brothers paid me my salary and I worked at a company within that and I did work in L.A. a little bit actually and I went into the lot and all of that and it was really fabulous. Harry Potter, I did go to the set of Harry Potter and did get to look around some secret bits and I did once actually interview the Harry Potter cast but I hadn't watched it at the time, so I was atrocious at it. Then, I really got into it much later, so I can testify that it's all very exciting over there on the scene, which is a huge development in the U.K. where it was filmed.

CAMILLE [3:59]

That's so cool. We actually had a trip planned to come to London last summer to celebrate our fifteen-year anniversary. But then going to that lot was a part of our trip because I'm such a Harry Potter nerd so I'm so sad that I haven't gone yet because I have heard it is absolutely magical.

POPPY [4:15]

It really is. It was magical when I didn't even watch the movies. When you watch it, you go, "Wow." Yes. I was there. I was in the library. Whoo!

CAMILLE [4:23]

Oh, that's cool. Well, I have major envy. Okay. So, you said you worked with Warner Brothers for twenty years. No, sorry, you've been tapping for twenty years and you were working with Warner Brothers first. So, tell me how you took your passion for tapping and what you learned in the business world and how you transferred that into running your own business.

POPPY [4:46]

Yeah. So, my main career, not far away from twenty years, but seventeen years, was in television. So, it was the creative side of that so creating programs and coming up with ideas for programming, mainly in comedy and entertainment. And then, working with networks. And then, streaming platforms came, Netflix and those came. For me, the side of it that I loved was the creativity. The side of it that I ended up was putting people on TV, so unleashing people. So, I worked a lot with talent who had something. And then, we kind of worked together to really work at how they can unleash that.

And obviously, part of that is sometimes people's own confidence and people's own beliefs about what they can achieve. I was just always kind of interested in human behavior. A big part of my degree was in psychoanalysis and I had a passion that was running concurrently to that, which was self-development, personal development.

I tapped when I was going through something of my own. It caused massive change. And I've thought about it for a bit actually, and then I came back to it, but I've always been really interested in mindset. And for me, the reason in the end I resigned from my job, where I go about six to seven years in one job, was that I had a harder and more kind of purposeful nudge to do what I was passionate about, really fall into my purpose and help others to rise up into theirs by removing some of the blocks via mindset work manifestation were tapping, clearing subconscious blocks, is what I�m really into so that people can truly achieve what they are setting to achieve for their vision in their lives.

CAMILLE [6:51]

Oh, that's so fascinating. So, I hadn't heard about tapping until, gosh, maybe probably seven or eight years ago. I had a friend who was trying to overcome an eating disorder and it was actually through tapping that she was able to do that. How did you get introduced to tapping? Was it part of your degree? You mentioned that you said some of that mind work was part of your degree. How did you learn about it in the first place?

POPPY [7:18]

Well, actually, I learned about it from my mom who tried it on me. When I was going through a big separation, I got married very young as well before when I was eighteen, before I had my son when I was twenty-one. I was married for ten years and that all went pear-shaped. I kind of rebuilt my life about ten years ago.

I was introduced to it. I think it was just really strange is what you're doing, tapping on these points. Stop it. I was stressed out. Something was happening. I did it and it really worked. I was shocked at how it worked really. From that point, I thought, "That's kind of very, very interesting. How does it work?" I'm a bit of a geek and I like neuroscience, quantum physics and how things tick about the brain. I was already really heavily into mindset and manifesting. So, it just became the tool that I ended up using in my life and I saw really fabulous results in my career from that. And then, now kind of permeates into all these different areas. So, for me, it was the tool that I could use to clear space before I coached people.

CAMILLE [8:38]

So, for those who are listening, could you describe what tapping is? And then, also maybe if people can't quite see what you're doing, but describing it so they can imagine it in their minds.

POPPY [8:50]

Yes. Absolutely. You could always check out any of my videos to see how they work but basically, tapping is just what it sounds like. You essentially tap with your fingertips on ends of meridian points, which are mostly in your face and in your collar. When you tap on those points with certain kinds of recipes, we call it, and you say certain things which are cognitive, psychological triggers, which then produce a feeling, which then kickstarts habitual patterns coming from your brain. The part of your brain with the amygdala also your emotional center.

Then, what happens is you can start to interject into quite unhelpful patterns that carry quite heavy emotional weight and you can do at the point where you're quite stressed out, overwhelmed, feeling like you can't do something, guilt, whatever's coming up or you can do it far back into memories and events, which is what I love doing work on. When something happens when you were six, you don't even necessarily know, but I do time my work going back through that and it really helps to clear quite quickly any disturbances in your energy field.

So, it's a mix of modern psychology, really, cognitive work and quite ancient techniques that have been around for a long time such as if you imagine acupuncture without the needles, then really, you've got tapping. I developed a certain type of tapping called Rapid Tapping because I believe there's an extra layer to it when you start to use it for manifestation and do it very, very quickly rather than a long time. It can work in minutes.

CAMILLE [10:50]

Wow. That's incredible. So, say that I am starting on something that I want to manifest in my life or I'm looking to make a change in my business or in my life or whatever that block might be. What is the length of time that someone can expect in tapping to see results?

POPPY [11:09]

Yeah. That's a good question. So, I would say with tapping, there's two things to think about. You want to be thinking about having a dual purpose for your tapping. One side of it is you want to deep tapping. You want to go deep into what I mentioned about the memories and the events. So, imagine those quite big trees in the forest. And then, you also want to do things for daily hygiene of your mind.

So, for me, my mission really is to get people tapping a lot. When something happens and you're about to do something that you feel a bit off in the mornings, you want to be tapping in smaller bursts to clear little branches and do the weeding. So, you need to have a combination of both, which would be really super effective. Saying that, there are loads of clinical studies showing that if you tap one session, it can really help things like physical pain. It can help for things like overwhelm and lower your anxiety. Crazy, crazy statistics. Some of them are up to sixty percent, which is really remarkable.

CAMILLE [12:25]

I'm really interested in that for one of my children that deals with anxiety. There's actually a tapping center here nearby that I've been wanting to take him to. Do you have an example of one that's not necessarily a universal approach but a quick exercise for stress or anxiety that you could demonstrate if someone was listening and you could show me? I could show this video as well but is there one that you can show a demonstration of what that might look like?

POPPY [12:56]

Yeah. I did not know we were on video. I look terrible.

CAMILLE [12:59]

Are you kidding?

POPPY [13:00]

I did not prepare for video.

CAMILLE [13:01]

Oh, you look beautiful.

POPPY [13:05]

I'm in a very comfortable jumper. Yes. I have certain scripts. So, with tapping, you want to say certain things in the right way and you want that to feel right for you. It is probably worth someone kind of going into it and following that recipe and what they do. But in terms of getting straight into a stress response, yeah, because what it does is it shuts down the stress response literally and that's responsible for fight or flight.

We could, for example, now do a very quick rapid tap. Rapid tap, you would, for example, cross your hands over your body and you would find a spot which is down from your collarbone a few inches and you would just find it. It's called a sore spot and you feel it. It feels sore.

CAMILLE [14:09]


POPPY [14:10]

So, you massage that a little bit and you would start to say how you feel. "I feel stressed. I feel stressed." That's the first thing you want to really do is to acknowledge the emotion you're trying to mask it or hide it. It's about allowing. "I feel stressed. I feel stressed." Yeah. And then, certainly in Rapid Tapping, you want to be then thinking about why because your logical brain needs a reason. It also seems a bit silly because it works so well and yet you're just doing this.

So, why are you stressed? Why are you anxious? You might not have a reason but it just encourages you to just go, "Well, because I am. Because I've had a lot on. It's hard right now. So much happening in the world." And then, you would say, "But I choose to love and accept myself anyway." So, you spend that time on that part and then you would start to tap on different meridian points here and repeat certain phrases. The sides of your eye, under your eye, and then you would just be repeating. "I feel very stressed out." Take some breaths during that. "I feel very stressed out." Very simple way. "I feel really stressed out." Tap on your collarbones. And it just brings your nervous system back into balance really quickly.

CAMILLE [15:59]

That's really fascinating. I've been reading The Whole-Brain Child currently and it talks a lot about connecting the emotional side of the brain with the logical side and how bringing that present state of mind and allowing your children to connect with that bridge. It seems to me like tapping is a physical manifestation of connecting the physical and the emotional with that logical. It's almost this roadmap of how to get there. Would you agree with that? I'm so new to it.

POPPY [16:37]

Yeah. Very much so. It's a mind body. So, for me, they're very connected and we look at anything in our bodies sometimes as clues what I set and do. If it's manifesting stress and aches. I did quite a lot with body pain actually. So, managing pain is very, very good for it. So, if you are getting some stiff and lots of people get stiff and everyone's on Zoom all the time. It's just like, ugh. Often that's because of the pattern we're used to since it's all messaging from our brain. If we can go in and do something about that, then that's great. We should do it because it's a totally connected thing. Because often, that comes from stress and anxiety every day. At the moment it can be really, really tough. Starts business, raise a business, do all these things, juggle homeschool, we need all the help we can get.

CAMILLE [17:38]

I agree. I'm curious. Are you familiar with cranial sacral? Does that play a part at all in your practice? What do you think about releasing that energy? Is that something that you practice as well?

POPPY [17:53]

Yes. I love cranial sacral therapy. I had that for quite a long time. I'm not trained in that. I'm trained in emotional freedom technique and intuitive energy coaching. But I would say in cranial work, yeah, because they're releasing similar blocks within the body, so that's a somatic therapy. So, actually tapping is a somatic therapy. It's actually the tapping part of it that interrupts the body's response. So, most people think it is just a cognitive thing. It isn't. It's somatic, it's body.

CAMILLE [18:42]


POPPY [18:44]



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CAMILLE [19:32]

So, with your business that you're now doing. You totally switched gears about three and a half years ago and decided that you want to take this passion and this purpose to bring tapping to women and helping them reach their goals. Talk to me about that transition and what that meant to you.

POPPY [19:50]

Yeah. Well, the tapping bit actually came later. The first bit was that I just really wanted to get into the mindset shift to really help women to feel that they are capable of living their dreams, but there will be blocks in the way. What are they? How can we look at that? Because I think often and I'm particularly interested in women getting out there, using their voice and I think what I was really just too passionate about was to help to get more changemakers into the world and to help women to feel free in all ways actually and in their minds and emotions so that there can be some societal difference going on with they're doing. That's my massive passion really.

So, that's where that started and I started doing retreats and I started a coaching practice and then it grew from there and soon became actually the thing that I really do specialize now is removing subconscious blocks and stuck energy and then teaching manifestation principles and how they relate to the brain. So, it's science meets spirituality but very practical as well because I work with media. My background, so profiling people and how you do that, how you really step into your own recognition and get recognized for what you do on a global platform really.

CAMILLE [21:38]

Wow. We all need more Poppy. What an incredible mission. I'm just listening to this thinking, Thank goodness for you. That is incredible. Looking through your social media, you really do offer step by step. When did you start your podcast?

POPPY [21:57]

Really recently.

CAMILLE [21:58]

I thought so that it was recent. So, what is your podcast called?

POPPY [22:03]

Yeah. So, it's called Rapid Tapping with Poppy Delbridge.

CAMILLE [22:07]

Okay. Perfect. So, you have this podcast. You have your Instagram and you're starting to take people through this channel of visualization and I think manifestation and visualization is a tool that I could learn about more and more forever. I feel like there's so much power in that. What has been a monumental moment for you where you've been able to visualize and to create a reality of something you were going after?

POPPY [22:36]

Yeah. This is really my thing. I really live my life by this now. I live by inner energetics and aligning to that and really, it's hard to step into an intuitive state when you have a lot of emotional noise going on that's hiding real emotion. So, I've tried to do a lot of my inner work. As those who work with me all know, I'll be like, I�m just doing a whole weekend with clearing and crying and going into self and timelining. I've lost my train of thought now. What did you ask me?

CAMILLE [23:28]

A time where you were able to visualize and manifest. Yeah.

POPPY [23:34]

A specific thing. So, here's an interesting thing about visualization. We do vision boards. I do quite a lot with vision boarding. But I think we live in a 24/7 vision board. What we're looking at and what we're focusing on everyday matters. Just like what we're thinking about everyday matters because that turns into a feeling and that feeling turns into an energy and frequency. And that frequency turns into an action that we take because we all make decisions on that point. And that becomes our reality.

So, it's really important to notice what we are focusing on everyday and I have a particular thing about art. Because I'm quite careful about the art that I look at. Now, I have in front of my bed a picture of a bay at the river and two palm trees and I would always visualize that I was in that. There's a lot of different techniques that I use. What happened was in not long about six months, I think, from doing that, I realized that I had moved into a home that I was just obsessed with and had been on a previous vision board years and years before, by the way, on the river. My view, although this was in a part of London where you don't get palm trees, were two palm trees. Exactly the same view. It's funny. It's hilarious.

CAMILLE [25:14]

That is incredible.

POPPY [25:15]

Yeah. That's one that just came to mind. You could also do it with a lot of fun things, promotions, in particular offices, money amounts, manifesting money. It's just a currency energy. You could get rid of blocks around that. There are so many things that I thought was quite fun.

CAMILLE [25:40]

Yeah. Creating a piece of art and turning it into your real-life view, that's absolutely incredible. For those who are listening and thinking about starting a business or needing to get past hurdles of self-doubt. Everyone has self-doubt. What do you think is a formula for someone to start with? Obviously, working with you and you can reference that however you want to. What are some good first steps for getting to the place where they can manifest that?

POPPY [26:18]

Well, the first thing is to get comfortable with the idea of having self-doubt and for that, being used to the fact that we all have that. That's human. We're human. Wasting energy trying to fight that off is a wasted battle. It's battling yourself. Nobody needs that right now. The first thing is that. One way I would probably suggest to start to defeat these gremlins, I call them, impostor syndrome, is that you want to be quite clear on what it is that you are not doubtful of.

I get my clients to get quite serious about listing out their accomplishments and listening out a brag list. What is it that if it makes you cringe, good, that you would brag about? And get it down on paper. Use it as ammo when you're feeling doubts set in. Make that your to do list. We look at long to do lists. We're like, "I've done enough. I can't do it. They're so much better than me." It's because we actually need all this ammunition to tide us through and of course tapping would be a brilliant way to release doubt. But I would also say there's some little practical things that can be done to help ourselves.

CAMILLE [28:03]

I love the idea of writing down the accomplishments because I think so often that we want to be humble, of course, and it's so natural for us to think what we're not good at rather than the things we are good at and really to acknowledge that and embrace that to move forward as ammunition. I really like that. Okay. Say, I have this list. I'm ready to move forward. If I'm wanting to start tapping. Is that something that I listen to your podcast and you're teaching me how to do that or I come to your Instagram account. What would be the first steps with starting with that?

POPPY [28:43]

Yeah. I would go to Rapid podcast because there's loads of stuff there that I talk about tips and how to do it, why. Go to my Instagram. Probably the Rapid Tapping Instagram where every Monday I do a live session just to go through a Monday motivational session where you can dig into it and all the little things I've put on there. I store all those. And then, if you really want to go through it, I would suggest getting my new starter kit, which is just getting started. How does it work? Why do it? Tapping points you can use, the things that have worked for me and I work with people, and then get the script and the videos and just tutorials, and just get tapping.

I really want people to take into their own hands and feel empowered by what it can do. I very much teach the basics and if you want to go deep, then you go deep with the practitioner or me or whatever. But I think the first hurdle, it's like I've got some blocks that I want to get rid of or I want to manifest. Go in and use the frequency finder that I use where you can track where you're at and how you're doing. Just get started. It's surprisingly simple. It's not easy to do. It's certainly not easy to make it a habit. There are certain things you could do to maximize it but it's a really simple thing.

CAMILLE [30:23]

What would you say the most inspiring moment has been for you in helping someone else find transformation for themselves?

POPPY [30:32]

Yeah. Everything always just sets me into such an exciting mood when people achieve real change from people getting their visions. One of my clients, we're talking in the day and she's like, "Wow. I've got what we've planned for when we started working together." And it was a big lofty goal. She's working for a big fashion magazine. It's a very top job. She's like, "Yes. This is great." Because she's done the work as well. She's gone through it. She's gone through it.

I think what I really also love having people release on a certain feeling that they don't even know that they had. So, I worked with someone. This has just come to mind. She had throat issues. She could never really speak out. She's worried about a certain thing and then it came to light that it was just a real block over a particular thing that happened in her life. She wasn't even aware of. We worked together and within thirty minutes, she had cleared her voice and she had released what it was that she needed to release.

The thing about this is the tappings, it doesn't come back. It's long lasting because you are almost packing memories and the rawness associated with them. It's been quite incredible. People losing stammers. People really just getting things that they really didn't think they could have. Emotions, money, all the things. I just thank God. It would be so good to all be tapping as it happens so that we can start to clear ourselves as things happen so we don't take on the guilt. We don't take on all of that stuff that we hold as baggage for so long.

CAMILLE [32:39]

I feel like this is something that even just packing around mom guilt. That's something I have women talk to me about all the time is mom guilt. Is there an approach to that that you think you could direct people to with that? That could help people with that.

POPPY [32:57]

Yes. The mom guilt is so rife. I think that's because we're empathetic women. We feel. Really, that's about understanding that we've got to do the whole life jacket first thing. We've got to take care of ourselves. We've got to be compassionate to ourselves. So, I would recommend doing a tapping routine into self-compassion and knowing that we're human beings and the identity of us is there still. We can't lose sight of the fact that we're just doing the best we can, juggling with stuff, feeling all these human emotions that are horrible.

Sometimes, there's just not the tools. As a mom myself and having multiple businesses, I�m a single mom and have been for a long time. It's hard and I've always tried to let myself go into the vulnerable places because I think I feel blessed to have this tool. But what's difficult is I think not having the understanding and not wanting to go there, there's nothing available for them. Keep this mask on like, "I can do this. I'm fine." We give, give, give and we put ourselves last. But we really do have to put on our own safety precautions on first before we can show up and be whole for our children.

CAMILLE [34:36]

I agree. If you could say there's one thing that has helped you with balancing and really going after that. I feel like you have such a wonderful piece about you, the way you talk. I think others can feel that because I'm feeling that. The question I get all the time is how do I balance my work life and also my mom life and also time for me? What advice would you have about that?

POPPY [35:11]

Well, I don't really believe in balance because it suggests there are opposing forces. I believe in integration and a sense of wholeness to understand that we can't compartmentalize these huge facets of ourselves so that actually takes quite a lot of energy. Actually, it can be very stressful trying to find that perfect balance, that calibration point. It's like, "Oh, I�m not there. Oh, I'm there." I would say, "Forget it. Forget it. Forget it. Balance is a myth."

You integrate every aspect and you roll with it and you get resilient like bamboo with the downtimes and the uptimes and you have a bad day and that's okay. You bounce back. You come back. You have a good day. This perpetual myth, I think, with women having to achieve it all and get the balance and get everything in perfect harmony is actually the biggest hurdle of them all.

CAMILLE [36:21]

Yeah. I have just loved talking with you today, Poppy. It is so refreshing. I feel like you are living your life in such a wonderful pace and approach and it just feels calming. So, thank you so much for taking the time to share with us today. Where would be a good place for our listeners to find you and to really dive into tapping?

POPPY [36:44]

Thank you. It's been really lovely talking to you too. Well, the tapping, it would be rapidtapping.com or rapidtapping on Instagram mainly. And then, for me, my stuff it would just be my name poppydelbridge.com and poppydelbridge on Instagram.

CAMILLE [37:03]

Well, wonderful. Thank you so much for your time today. I want to start doing this. I'm going to follow along your podcast and everything and see what I can do to get into it. One more question that I'm curious about before I let you go. Is this something that you have done with your son? Have you helped him with tapping?

POPPY [37:23]

Yes. We've gone deep into lots of things. My hub, I run a coaching hub every week with women in business and they said to me, "What's your proudest moment?" We were going through moments at the end of the year and I said, "I'll tell you what. It was doing a 90-minute tapping session with my son. It was him clearing out things energetically that he'd been holding. Him letting me do that." But second of all, him actually saying, "Mom. This stuff works. This is really good. I'm going to tell my friends."

It was like, "Yes." Because it seems a bit mental in a way, this tapping stuff until you're like, "Oh. Hang on a second. Okay. It works." I think that's why the word mapping is important because for me, I think if people can do this with their children and start it young as well, it could be part of just what you do. It's just part of life. It's just like, "I'm feeling really stressed out." Make it a game. It's like, "Oh, we're just going to tap. How do you feel? I feel sad. Okay. I feel sad." I think there's a real power to that.

Also, I think there's a real power to children seeing you deal with your emotions. That mom guilt that we think sometimes we've got to pretend that we're fine all the time. I've actually found that if I am a little bit more vulnerable with my son, I bring him into my world a bit and show him how it works, he starts doing it too. That's what we want, isn't it?

CAMILLE [39:18]

Yeah. I was thinking specifically about my seven-year-old. One practice that we're doing right now in therapy is just for him to be able to name the emotion he's feeling and to practice naming an emotion is really hard. It's really hard for him to name the emotion. It has me curious of trying this with him. I wonder if doing the movement with the naming would maybe make him feel more comfortable with it or not. I'm curious. I'm really curious to try this with him. What would be your advice about helping children to be able to name emotions?

POPPY [39:56]

Yeah. Well, actually, funny enough, Rapid Tapping is all about naming the emotion first. You go to the emotion because I think you're absolutely right. Sometimes, it's hard to give it an actual language. I would say what I have found tapping children is it's a bit like if you find meditation difficult because your mind is wandering around. The actual tapping can be really good because children it's just something to do. It doesn't seem silly in a weird way to try and find words for their feeling. You do it with them. You tap with them. Just say, "How are you feeling? I'm feeling like this. How are you feeling? Can you think of a name? Can you think of the emotion? You say it's feeling, so I'm feeling. So, you say, I am." And then, you let them say what they're feeling as they tap. "Ah, I'm feeling really, really sad. I�m feeling really, really sad." Try that because it's quite simple and actually in my experience working with children, they like it.

CAMILLE [41:10]

Well, I'm looking forward to your next release of tapping with children. That needs to be your next thing. Yeah. That's so cool. Is there anything else that you want to share as a nugget of wisdom being through this path of being in the corporate world, having been married, going through what sounds like in reference to that time, a difficult separation? What advice would you give to the women listening right now that are going through those hard times and trying to get past them to really chase after that purpose?

POPPY [41:46]

Yeah. It really begins with the self-belief, ways to cultivate that self believe is crucial, so crucial. My advice would be that we don't need to know everything. We don't need to analyze everything. We don't need to know all the reasons why or labor too much dwelling over the way that we don't want to feel. My advice would be how would you like to feel and what would that feel like? Have you ever felt like that before? Even for a moment. How did that feel? Is there a possibility that you could feel like that again? If a possibility exists, then there's work that can be done to take you there again.

CAMILLE [42:43]

Wow. I think that is so inspiring and thank you so much for sharing that journey with us and being vulnerable and so open and warm. It has been such a pleasure to have you today.

POPPY [42:57]

Thank you. It's been really lovely.

CAMILLE [43:03]

All right. Well, thank you for coming today and we will share more of Poppy's resources. Everything she has to offer you can see down in the Show Notes and we'll see you next week.


CAMILLE [43:15]

Review comes from Morgan with Lets Talk Eventz. I have loved following Camille on Instagram for a long time and I have felt a connection with her through our same values and outlook on life. This podcast is so helpful to me as a business owner by being able to hear so many different point of views through each person's journey and no matter how my business grows it isn�t going to look like anyone else�s story. I couldn�t love this podcast more and the people she brings on. I absolutely love being a part of this community and I want to be in the best friend group with Camille and Jennifer Borget!"

Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for this review, Morgan. You are part of that crew. If you're listening to this, you are part of my family and I appreciate you so, so much. If you want to be a review that's spotlighted, please go to where your podcasts are found. Leave a rating and review for a chance to be heard here on the podcast. And also, join the conversation @callmeceopodcast on Instagram or join our Facebook group at Call Me CEO. And thanks for being here. It means the world.



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